Amend CSHB 1 (house committee report) in Rider 50, Teach for America, following the Article III appropriations to the Texas Education Agency (page III-16) by adding the following paragraph:
Not later than November 1 of each fiscal year of the biennium, Teach for America shall submit a yearly accountability report to the Commissioner of Education outlining the use of the funds provided under this section. The accountability report must identify:
(1)  the number of Teach for America teachers in the state who:
(A)  are still employed at a campus in the school district to which the teacher was assigned while serving as a Teach for America teacher after the first and second years of employment, including the job title of each individual, and the school district and campus in which the individual is employed;
(B)  are employed at charter schools, organized by the geographic location of the teacher's Teach for America assignment in the state;
(C)  were recruited in the state for Teach for America and who are assigned and currently teaching at a campus in the state, organized by the geographic location of the teacher's Teach for America assignment in the state; and
(D)  are bilingual and state the languages spoken by the teacher; and
(2)  the ethnicity of all Teach for America teachers in the state, organized by the geographic location of the teacher's Teach for America assignment in the state.