(1) On page IV-3, amend Supreme Court of Texas rider number 9 as follows:
9. Basic Civil Legal Services for Veterans. Out of amounts appropriated above to Strategy B.1.1, Basic Civil Legal Services, the court shall transfer $1,000,000 in general revenue each year through an interagency contract to the Texas Veterans Commission. The Texas Veterans Commission shall match this amount with $750,000 from appropriations to the Texas Veterans Commission from the Fund for Veterans' Assistance Account No. 0368 in the same fiscal year. Of this $1,500,000 amount each fiscal year, $1,000,000 will be used as grants to legal aid organizations to provide basic civil legal services to veterans and their families and $750,000 will be used for Veterans Treatment Court Programs each fiscal year. The Texas Veterans Commission will grant and administer these legal services funds in consultation with the Texas Access to Justice Foundation.