Amend Floor Amendment No. 137 by Schofield to CSHB 1 (page 188, prefiled amendments packet) by striking the text of the amendment and substituting the following:
Amend CSHB 1 (house committee printing), in Article IV of the bill following the appropriations made to the Supreme Court of Texas (page IV-1), by adding an appropriately numbered rider to read as follows:
____. Amounts appropriated above in Strategy B.1.1., Basic Civil Legal Services, may not be used to compensate an attorney for representing a client or to compensate an employee or other person earning more than $90,000 in a fiscal year. The state auditor shall conduct a compliance audit showing disbursements from all funding sources for Basic Civil Legal Services, the purpose for each disbursement, the amount of compensation to individuals from each disbursement and compliance with grant conditions, to ensure that these funds are being used for their intended purpose.