Amend Floor Amendment No. 187 by Canales to CSHB 1 (page 236, prefiled amendments packet) as follows:
(1)  Strike the recital to the floor amendment and substitute the following:
Amend CSHB 1 (house committee printing) in Article V of the bill, following the appropriations to the Department of Public Safety, by striking Rider 8, Seized Assets Report (pages V-38 and V-39), and substituting the following:
(2)  Strike proposed Paragraph a) of the rider and substitute the following:
a) Regarding receipts: the court in which the case was adjudicated, whether the person whose property was seized was represented by counsel, whether the property was forfeited as a result of a default judgment, the nature of the assets, the value of the assets, and the specific, intended use of the assets and, if a criminal charge was brought in connection with the seizure of property, the specific offense charged and the disposition of that charge; and