Amend CSHB 1 as follows:
On page VI-41, under "Statewide Aquatic Vegetation and Invasive Species Management.", amend Rider 34 to state:
Statewide Aquatic Vegetation and Invasive Species Management. Out of the funds appropriated above in Strategy A.2.1, Inland Fisheries Management, $1,800,000 in each fiscal year from general revenue, $750,000 in each fiscal year from Unclaimed Refunds of Motorboat Fuel Tax, and $156,654 in each fiscal year from Federal Funds and 10.0 FTEs shall be used to maintain boat lanes, general access, outdoor recreational activities, manage aquatic invasive species, and to improve fish and wildlife habitat on water bodies statewide. From these funds, $1,800,000 in each fiscal year in general revenue shall be used for aquatic invasive species management, including zebra mussels and other animal species, with $150,000 of those funds in each fiscal year provided to the Cypress Valley Navigation District for use in management of giant salvinia and other aquatic invasive species at Caddo Lake. Any unexpended balances of these amounts as of August 31, 2016, are appropriated for the same purpose in the fiscal year beginning September 1, 2016. Use of the Federal Funds referenced above is contingent upon receipt of a federal boating access grant under the Sportfish Restoration Act by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.