Amend CSHB 1 in Article VII of the bill, following the appropriations to the Texas Workforce Commission (page VII-30), by adding an appropriately numbered rider to read as follows:
____.  Adult Education and Family Literacy Workforce Diploma Program Pilot Project. The Texas Workforce Commission is hereby authorized to use funds appropriated above in Strategy A.1.9, Adult Education and Family Literacy, to develop and implement a workforce diploma program pilot project with non-profit organizations or other private entities to provide program services designed to facilitate increased participation in adult diploma and technical training programs and more effective job placement outcomes in high demand job fields. The workforce diploma program pilot project shall include comprehensive career/college preparation program including research tools, and career readiness soft skills training; technical training; facilitated transition to employment. Federal funds appropriated for adult basic education may only be used to the extent allowable under federal regulations. The Commission shall submit to the Legislative Budget Board and the Office of the Governor, no later than November 1, 2016, a report that includes an evaluation of the effectiveness of the pilot project detailing number of graduates and successful job placements, as well as earnings for successful graduates.