Amend CSHB 1 as follows:
(1)  On page XI-7 in amounts appropriated to the Texas Education Agency, increase general revenue funding for Strategy A.1.1, FSP - Equalized Operations, by $____ in the 2016-17 biennium contingent on the passage and enactment of HB 2660, or similar legislation relating to FSP funding for students enrolled in an optional flexible school day program, by the Eighty-Fourth Legislature, Regular Session, 2015.
(2)  On page XI-7, add the following contingency rider:
Contingency for HB2660: Contingent on passage and enactment of HB2660, or similar legislation relating to Foundation School Program funding for students enrolled in an optional flexible school day program, by the Eighty-Fourth Legislature, Regular Session, 2015, the Texas Education Agency is hereby appropriated $____ in general revenue funding for Strategy A.1.1, FSP - Equalized Operations, in each fiscal year to implement the provisions of the legislation.