Amend CSHB 1 as follows:
(1)  Under the Article XI items for the Parks and Wildlife Department (page XI-18), add the following item:
Houston Bayou Greenways 2020
____. In addition to other amounts appropriated for the two-year period beginning on the effective date of this Act, that may be used for this purpose, the amount of $15,000,000 is appropriated from the general revenue fund to the Parks and Wildlife Department to be used as a grant to a nonprofit entity for the purpose of construction of a natural system of connected linear parks and trails to be created along major bayous including but not limited to Cypress Creek, Greens Bayou, Halls Bayou, Hunting Bayou, White Oak Bayou, Buffalo Bayou, Brays Bayou, Sims Bayou, and Clear Creek in a metropolitan statistical area with a population between 5.8 million and 6.2 million people as designated by the 2010 United States Census Bureau. The grant funding is contingent on $100 million in municipal park bond funds, $10 million in federal TIGER funds, and $70 million in privately raised funds being raised and in-hand by the nonprofit entity.
(2)  Adjust the Article XI subtotals and grand totals accordingly.