Amend CSHB 1 as follows:
(1)  In Article XI, add the following contingency rider:
____. Contingency for HB 2037. Contingent on enactment of HB 2037, or similar legislation relating to the reclassification of investigators in the Office of the Attorney General as a Schedule C position under the Texas Position Classification Plan, 1961, the Office of the Attorney General is appropriated in Strategy A.1.1, Legal Services, the amounts of $964,835 in general revenue, $68,735 in Federal Funds, and $39,348 in Interagency Contracts for fiscal year 2016 and $993,077 in general revenue, $75,447 in Federal Funds, and $39,508 in Interagency Contracts for fiscal year 2017, and in Strategy D.1.1, Medicaid Investigation, the amounts of $128,248 in general revenue and $384,743 in Federal Funds for fiscal year 2016 and $436,974 in general revenue and $410,921 in Federal Funds for fiscal year 2017 for the salary adjustment related to the reclassification of the investigators employed by the Office of the Attorney General from Schedule B to Schedule C.