Amend CSHB 1 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  In Article II of the bill, strike Rider 25, Appropriation: Medicaid Estate Recovery (page II-14), and substitute the following:
25.  Appropriation: Medicaid Estate Recovery. (a) Funds deposited to the credit of Medicaid Estate Recovery (General Revenue - Dedicated Account No. 5109) above the Biennial Revenue Estimate are appropriated as follows:
(1)  in addition to other amounts appropriated to the Health and Human Services Commission elsewhere in this Act, the first $750,000 deposited to the credit of the account during each year of the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2017, is appropriated to the commission for the purpose of awarding grants under Section 531.125, Government Code; and
(2)  any amount deposited to the credit of the account above the amount specified by Subdivision (1) of this subsection is appropriated to the Department of Aging and Disability Services for community-based care to individuals who are on a waiting or interest list.
(b)  The appropriation made under Subsection (a)(2) of this section is contingent on the Department of Aging and Disability Services submitting a plan that details the number of clients to be served, estimated expenditures by method of financing by year, as well as any other information requested by the Legislative Budget Board. The plan shall be submitted to the Legislative Budget Board, the Governor, and the Comptroller of Public Accounts 30 days before any expenditure of the funds.