Amend CSHB 1 (house committee report) in Article V of the bill by adding the following appropriately numbered provision after the appropriations to the Department of Criminal Justice:
____. Study of Reentry Programs. (a) Out of the funds appropriated above, the Department of Criminal Justice shall study the effectiveness of reentry programs provided in this state. Not later than December 31, 2016, the department shall report the results of the study to:
(1)  the governor;
(2)  the lieutenant governor;
(3)  the speaker of the house of representatives;
(4)  the Legislative Budget Board; and
(5)  each standing committee of the senate and house of representatives having primary jurisdiction over matters relating to corrections.
(b)  The report submitted under Subsection (a) must include:
(1)  the number of reentry programs in this state, including the location of each;
(2)  a ranking of the reentry programs in this state based on the program's effectiveness in:
(A)  increasing employment or the educational attainment level of participants; and
(B)  decreasing recidivism; and
(3)  for each reentry program in this state:
(A)  the number of participants who received assistance in securing a permanent job or admission to an educational, vocational, or other workplace training program; and
(B)  the amount of state funding received by the program.