Amend CSHB 1 (house committee printing) as follows:
On page VI-48 of the Railroad Commission's bill pattern, add the following rider:
____.  Contingency for HB 2191. Contingent on enactment of HB 2191, or similar legislation relating to the posting by the Railroad Commission of Texas on its Internet website of certain enforcement information, by the Eighty-Fourth Legislature, Regular Session, the Railroad Commission is given additional appropriation authority in the General Revenue-Dedicated Oil and Gas Regulation and Cleanup Account No. 5155 for collections in excess of the Comptroller's Biennial Revenue Estimate (BRE) up to $2,000,000 in fiscal year 2017 to make information required to be posted by August 1, 2017 be:
(1)  in a searchable format;
(2)  organized by county, company, operator and by well, if applicable; and
(3)  capable of being downloaded in bulk.
If the Commission is unable to comply with the deadlines established above due to inadequate funding above the BRE, the Commission will provide information to the Legislative Budget Board on what additional steps are needed to comply.