Rider ____: Provider Rate Increases for Certain IDD Programs. It is the 84th Legislature's intent that funds appropriated in this Act to the Department of Aging and Disability Services to provide an increase in the payment rates for the community-based ICF/IID program and the HCS and TxHmL waiver programs are to be distributed across service types and cost areas in a manner that restores, to the extent possible, service and operational needs providers reduced or eliminated as the result of the rate cuts that became effective 9-1-2010, 2-1-2011, 9-1-2011 and 9-1-2013 and that does not reduce any rate below current rates. In fulfilling this intent the Texas Health and Human Services Commission is directed to convene a workgroup of at least 4 representatives from each public and private association representing providers of the services for which the funds are appropriated. The workgroup is charged with reviewing and comparing current audited cost reports to reductions providers made to adjust to the rate cuts and determining making recommendations regarding rates that meet the intent stated above and that assure, to the extent possible, quality of services and health and safety of individuals served are not compromised.