Amend Amendment No. 1 by Otto to CSHB 1 (page 3 of the prefiled amendment packet) on page 1 of the amendment, by striking amendment item (1) adding a new item on page XI-7 under "Public Education, Texas Education Agency", and substituting the following:
(1)  Under the Article XI provisions for the Texas Education Agency (page XI-7), add the following appropriately numbered rider:
____. Contingent Appropriation: Appropriation to the Foundation School Program. The amount of $800,000,000 is appropriated from the general revenue fund to the Texas Education Agency for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2017, for the Foundation School Program, contingent on the occurrence of both of the following:
a. HB 1759 or similar legislation of the 84th Legislature, Regular Session, 2015, that improves equity, reduces recapture, and increases the state share of public school funding must be enacted and become law; and
b. Litigation against the state regarding the adequacy, equity, and other aspects of the state's school finance system that is pending before the Texas Supreme Court must be dismissed.