Amend CSHB 1 (house committee printing) in Article II of the bill, following the appropriations to the Department of State Health Services, by striking Subsection (b) of Rider No. 80, Contingency for Ebola Funds (page II-70), and substituting the following:
b.  If DSHS receives federal funds related to ebola prevention, planning, or treatment under the HPP and PHEP programs, DSHS shall transfer an amount of general revenue equal to that of the federal funds received to Strategy A.1.1, Public Health Preparedness and Coordinated Services, Strategy A.3.1, Chronic Disease Prevention, and Strategy A.3.2, Reduce Use of Tobacco Products, to be spent on pediatric asthma management, adult potentially preventable hospitalizations, diabetes prevention and control, expanded tobacco prevention services, and funding for the Texas Emergency Medical Task Force.