Amend Amendment No. 76 by Coleman to CSHB 1 (page 111 of the prefiled amendment packet) by striking the text of the amendment and substituting the following:
Amend CSHB 1 (house committee printing) in Article II of the bill following the Special Provisions Relating to All Health and Human Service Agencies (page II-73) by adding the following appropriately numbered rider:
____.  Preparing a Report on a Waiver for State Innovation. The Health and Human Services Commission shall prepare a report on how a waiver for state innovation issued under Section 1332 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (42 U.S.C. Section 18052) effective January 1, 2017 could work, if the Affordable Care Act has not been repealed. A Waiver for State Innovation can include waiving of several provisions of the Affordable Care Act including:
(1)  the employer mandate;
(2)  the individual mandate;
(3)  essential health benefits;
(4)  premium tax credits;
(5)  cost sharing reductions;
(6)  exchanges; and
(7)  Qualified Health Plans.
The goal in preparing the report will be to explore:
(1)  maximize federal funding;
(2)  funding through a block grant;
(3)  promote personal responsibility;
(4)  reduce the number of uninsured residents;
(5)  protect currently insured residents; and
(6)  reduce health care costs.
This report shall be delivered to the governor, lieutenant governor and the legislature.