Amend CSHB 1 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  In Article I of the bill (page I-3), in the appropriations to the Office of the Attorney General, reduce the appropriations from the general revenue fund to the Office of the Attorney General for Strategy A.1.1, Legal Services, by the amount of $10,000,000 for the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2016, and by the amount of $10,000,000 for the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2017.
(2)  In Article I of the bill (page I-17), in the appropriations to the Comptroller of Public Accounts, reduce the appropriations from the general revenue fund to the Comptroller of Public Accounts for Strategy B.1.1, Accounting/Reporting, by the amount of $5,000,000 for the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2016, and by the amount of $5,000,000 for the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2017.
(3)  In Article I of the bill (page I-52), in the appropriations to the Trusteed Programs within the Office of the Governor, reduce the appropriations from the general revenue fund to the Trusteed Programs within the Office of the Governor for Strategy C.1.3, Film and Music Marketing, by the amount of $10,000,000 for the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2016, and by the amount of $10,000,000 for the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2017.
(4)  In Article I of the bill (page I-83), in the appropriations to the Veterans Commission, reduce the appropriations to the Veterans Commission for Strategy C.1.1, Hazlewood Reimbursements, by the amount of $15,000,000 for the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2016, and by the amount of $15,000,000 for the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2017.
(5)  In Article I of the bill, strike Rider No. 13 (page I-86) following the appropriations to the Veterans Commission and renumber subsequent riders as appropriate.
(6)  In Article III of the bill (page III-59), in the appropriations to the Permanent Fund Supporting Military and Veterans Exemptions, increase the appropriations for Strategy A.1.1, Distribute to Eligible Institutions, by the amount of $40,000,000 for the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2016, and by the amount of $40,000,000 for the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2017.
(7)  Adjust totals and methods of financing accordingly.