Amend CSHB 11 (house committee printing) by adding the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS as appropriate:
SECTION ____. Chapter 411, Government Code, is amended by adding Subchapter P to read as follows:
Sec. 411.431. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
(1) "Border" means the border between this state and Mexico.
(2) "Committee" means the Border Operations Legislative Oversight Committee established under this subchapter.
Sec. 411.432. BORDER OPERATIONS LEGISLATIVE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE. (a) A Border Operations Legislative Oversight Committee is established to ensure transparency of state operations along the border.
(b) Members of the committee are appointed as follows:
(1) three members of the senate appointed by the lieutenant governor;
(2) three members of the house of representatives appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives; and
(3) one public member appointed by the governor.
(c) A member of the committee serves at the will of the appointing official.
(d) The committee shall elect a chair from among its members.
(e) A member of the committee is not entitled to receive compensation for service on the committee or reimbursement for expenses incurred in the performance of official duties as a member of the committee.
(f) Chapter 2110 does not apply to the committee.
Sec. 411.433. POWERS AND DUTIES. (a) The committee has the powers and duties of a general investigating committee under Sections 301.020, 301.024, and 301.028, including access to confidential and law enforcement sensitive information.
(b) The committee:
(1) shall monitor and regularly report to the legislature on the progress of state operations along the border, including monitoring conditions at the local level;
(2) may request reports and other information from the department, the Parks and Wildlife Department, and the Texas military forces relating to operations along the border;
(3) if necessary, shall cooperate with local and federal officials to perform the committee's duties; and
(4) shall meet monthly to carry out the committee's duties.
Sec. 411.434. REPORTS TO COMMITTEE. (a) The department, the Parks and Wildlife Department, and the Texas military forces shall submit monthly reports to the committee:
(1) on the status and progress of law enforcement operations, activities, programs, and investigations along the border;
(2) providing a detailed analysis of spending, including any incremental costs, for operations, activities, programs, and investigations along the border, including:
(A) salaries, equipment, and capital purchases; and
(B) any contracts related to operations, activities, programs, and investigations along the border, and for each contract:
(i) the procurement process for the contract;
(ii) to whom the contract was awarded;
(iii) the amount of the contract; and
(iv) if the contract was an emergency purchase under Section 2155.137, state that fact and the reason why it was considered an emergency; and
(3) that includes:
(A) the impact of state operations, activities, programs, and investigations along the border on the resources of local law enforcement authorities and the attrition of local law enforcement officers; and
(B) recommendations on minimizing the disruption to local law enforcement authorities from state operations, activities, programs, and investigations along the border.
(b) The department, the Parks and Wildlife Department, and the Texas military forces shall:
(1) brief the committee in person at the request of the committee; and
(2) respond to any committee request for reports or other information under Section 411.433.
SECTION ____. As soon as possible after the effective date of this Act, but not later than January 1, 2016, the appointing officials described by Section 411.432, Government Code, as added by this Act, shall appoint the members of the Border Operations Legislative Oversight Committee established under that section.