Amend Amendment No. 27 by Martinez Fischer to CSHB 11 (page 39, prefiled amendment packet) as follows:
(1) Strike the heading to proposed Subchapter P, Chapter 411, Government Code, and substitute "SUBCHAPTER P. STATE LAW ENFORCEMENT OPERATIONS OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE".
(2) In proposed Section 411.431(2), Government Code, strike "Border Operations Legislative" and substitute "State Law Enforcement Operations".
(3) Strike every instance of "along the border" in proposed Sections 411.432, 411.433, and 411.434, Government Code, and substitute "targeting transnational gang and cartel activity".
(4) Strike the heading to proposed Section 411.432, Government Code, and substitute "STATE LAW ENFORCEMENT OPERATIONS OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE".
(5) In proposed Section 411.432(a), Government Code, strike "Border Operations Legislative" and substitute "State Law Enforcement Operations".
(6) In proposed Sections 411.432(b)(1) and (2), Government Code, strike "three" and substitute "five".
(7) Strike proposed Section 411.432(d), Government Code, and substitute the following:
(d) The lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of representatives shall appoint the chair of the committee on an alternating basis. The chair of the committee serves a one-year term that expires September 1 of each year.
(8) Strike proposed Section 411.433(b)(2), Government Code, and substitute the following:
(2) may request from the department, the Parks and Wildlife Department, and the Texas military forces reports and any other information related to border operations considered necessary by the committee;
(9) Immediately after proposed Section 411.433(b), Government Code, insert the following:
(c) The committee may meet and consult with and advise local governments and federal authorities.
(10) Strike the SECTION of the amendment providing for the appointment of committee members by January 1, 2016, and substitute the following:
SECTION ____. As soon as possible after the effective date of this Act, but not later than September 1, 2015, the appointing officials described by Section 411.432, Government Code, as added by this Act, shall appoint the members of the State Law Enforcement Operations Oversight Committee established under that section. The speaker of the house of representatives shall make the first appointment to chair the committee as provided by that section.