Amend CSHB 11 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) On page 9, line 17, strike "and 411.0209" and substitute ", 411.0209, and 411.02091".
(2) On page 10, between lines 19 and 20, insert the following:
Sec. 411.02091. BORDER SECURITY REPORT. (a) The department every six months shall submit to the governor, lieutenant governor, speaker of the house of representatives, and each member of the legislature a report on the department's activities related to providing security in the counties along this state's international border during the preceding six months.
(b) The report must include information on:
(1) the department's technology policy and information technology system related to providing security in the counties along this state's international border;
(2) the hiring of officers, including officers with previous law enforcement experience, and any call into service of reserve officer corps to provide security in the counties along the border;
(3) the department's assistance at international border checkpoints;
(4) the costs to the department of providing security along the border; and
(5) the number of investigations, arrests, and prosecutions and the number of traffic violations related to providing security along the border.