Amend CSHB 22 by adding the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
SECTION ____.  Section 571.062, Government Code, is amended by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
(a)  The commission, on the affirmative vote of at least six members of the commission, may adopt rules to administer this chapter or any other law administered and enforced by the commission, except as provided by Subsection (c).
(c)  The commission may not by rule define a term for purposes of Chapter 254, Election Code, or Chapter 305 of this code or for purposes of the administration or enforcement of those laws.
SECTION ____.  A rule adopted by the Texas Ethics Commission before the effective date of this Act that defines a term for purposes of Chapter 254, Election Code, or Chapter 305, Government Code, or for purposes of the administration or enforcement of those laws, has no effect. The Texas Ethics Commission shall modify its rules as soon as practicable after the effective date of this Act to reflect the change in law made by Section 571.062(c), Government Code, as added by this Act.