Amend HB 200 (senate committee report) as follows:
(1) In SECTION 1 of the bill, in amended Section 36.0015(b), Water Code (page 1, line 37), strike "development" and substitute "conservation".
(2) In SECTION 1 of the bill, in amended Section 36.0015(b), Water Code (page 1, line 38), strike "conservation" and substitute "development".
(3) In SECTION 1 of the bill, in amended Section 36.0015(b), Water Code (page 1, line 39), strike "development and conservation" and substitute "conservation and development".
(4) In SECTION 2 of the bill, in added Section 36.066(h), Water Code (page 1, line 53), strike "may" and substitute "shall".
(5) In SECTION 4 of the bill, in added Section 36.1083(e)(2)(A), Water Code (page 2, line 41), strike "and".
(6) In SECTION 4 of the bill, in added Section 36.1083(e)(2), Water Code (page 2, between lines 41 and 42), insert the following appropriately numbered paragraphs and renumber subsequent paragraphs of Subdivision (2) accordingly:
( ) the explanatory report provided to the development board under 36.108(d-3);
( ) the factors described under Section 36.108(d); and
(7) In SECTION 4 of the bill, in added Section 36.1083(g), Water Code (page 2, line 58), between "(e)(2)" and "to be", insert "and the desired future conditions explanatory report submitted to the development board under Section 36.108(d-3)".
(8) In SECTION 4 of the bill, in added Section 36.1083(k)(2)(B), Water Code (page 3, line 19), strike "other party to the hearing" and substitute "person who has requested notice".
(9) In SECTION 4 of the bill, in amended Section 36.1083, Water Code (page 3, line 65, through page 4, line 1), strike added Subsection (p) and substitute the following:
(p) If the district in its final order finds that a desired future condition is unreasonable, not later than the 60th day after the date of the final order, the districts in the same management area as the district that received the petition shall reconvene in a joint planning meeting for the purpose of revising the desired future condition. The districts in the management area shall follow the procedures in Section 36.108 to adopt new desired future conditions applicable to the district that received the petition.
(10) In SECTION 5 of the bill, in added Section 36.10835, Water Code (page 4, lines 13-27), strike added Subsection (a) and substitute the following:
(a) A final district order issued under Section 36.1083 may be appealed to a district court with jurisdiction over any part of the territory of the district that issued the order. An appeal under this subsection must be filed with the district court not later than the 45th day after the date the district issues the final order. The case shall be decided under the substantial evidence standard of review as provided by Section 2001.174, Government Code. If the court finds that a desired future condition is unreasonable, the court shall strike the desired future condition and order the districts in the same management area as the district that received the petition to reconvene not later than the 60th day after the date of the court order in a joint planning meeting for the purpose of revising the desired future condition. The districts in the management area shall follow the procedures in Section 36.108 to adopt new desired future conditions applicable to the district that received the petition.