Amend CSHB 710 (house committee printing) by striking page 1, line 10, through page 2, line 14, and substituting the following:
(1)  may issue to the person a summons requiring the person to appear for a hearing under Section 508.281 if the person:
(A)  is not a releasee who is:
(i) [(A)]  on intensive supervision or superintensive supervision;
(ii) [(B)]  an absconder; or
(iii) [(C)]  determined by the division to be a threat to public safety; or
(B)  is charged only with committing a new offense that is alleged to have been committed after the first anniversary of the date the person was released on parole or to mandatory supervision if:
(i)  the new offense is a Class C misdemeanor under the Penal Code, other than an offense committed against a child younger than 17 years of age or an offense involving family violence, as defined by Section 71.004, Family Code;
(ii)  the person has maintained steady employment for at least one year;
(iii)  the person has maintained a stable residence for at least one year; and
(iv)  the person has not previously been charged with an offense after the person was released on parole or to mandatory supervision; and
(2)  shall issue to the person a summons requiring the person to appear for a hearing under Section 508.281 if the person:
(A)  is charged only with committing an administrative violation of release that is alleged to have been committed after the first [third] anniversary of the date the person was released on parole or to mandatory supervision;