Amend CSHB 1449 (house committee report) as follows:
(1)  On page 7, line 6, after the semicolon, strike "[or]" and substitute "or".
(2)  On page 7, line 11, following "office", strike "; or" and substitute ".".
(3)  Strike page 7, line 12 through page 8, line 6, and substitute the following:
(c)  Notwithstanding Subsections (b)(1) and (2), an individual with a doctoral degree and who holds a license in a human services field of study is qualified to conduct a child custody evaluation if the individual has completed a number of hours of professional development coursework and practice experience directly related to the performance of child custody evaluations as described by this chapter, satisfactory to the licensing agency that issues the individual's license.
(d)  The licensing agency that issues a license to an individual described by Subsection (c) may determine by rule that internships, practicums, and other professional preparatory activities completed by the individual during the course of achieving the person's doctoral degree satisfy the requirements of Subsection (c) in whole or in part.
(4)  On page 8, line 7, strike "(d) [(e) If" and substitute "(e) [If".
(5)  On page 17, strike lines 16 through 19 and substitute the following:
(4)  an observation and, if the child is at least four years old, an interview of any child who is not a subject of the suit who lives on a full-time basis in a residence that is the subject of the evaluation, including with other children or parties who are subjects of the evaluation, where appropriate;
(6)  On page 21, line 1, strike "qualified".
(7)  On page 44, line 14, strike "September" and substitute "March".
(8)  On page 45, lines 3 and 4, strike "evaluation, adoption evaluation, or other forensic service" and substitute "evaluation or adoption evaluation".
(9)  On page 45, lines 5 and 6, strike "or other forensic services".
(10)  On page 46, lines 8 and 13, strike "September" and substitute "March".
(11)  On page 47, between lines 8 and 9, insert the following appropriately lettered subsection and renumber other subsections accordingly:
(c)  Notwithstanding Section 107.104(b)(1), Family Code, as redesignated and amended by this Act, an individual who on or before the effective date of this Act has completed at least 20 social studies ordered by a court in suits affecting the parent-child relationship and who holds a license to practice in this state as a social worker, professional counselor, marriage and family therapist, or psychologist is not required to comply with Section 107.104(b)(1), Family Code, as redesignated and amended by this Act.
(12)  On page 47, strike lines 10-12 and substitute the following:
suit affecting the parent-child relationship that is filed on or after March 1, 2016.