Amend CSHB 1532 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1) On page 1, line 18, strike "Subsection (c)" and substitute "Subsections (c), (d), and (e)".
(2) On page 1, insert the following between lines 22 and 23:
(d) If a candidate or officeholder, or any other person, loans money to the campaign of a candidate or officeholder who files quarterly reports under this chapter, the candidate or officeholder shall, at the time the candidate or officeholder reports the loan, provide the authority with whom the candidate or officeholder is required to file reports under this chapter with evidence that the money was actually deposited in an account in which the candidate or officeholder holds political contributions.
(e) Evidence submitted under Subsection (d) is considered part of a report for purposes of public inspection under Section 254.0402.