Amend CSHB 1798 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1) On page 6, line 6, between "CODE" and ".", insert "AND PENAL CODE".
(2) On page 6, line 6, between "CODE." and "The Election", insert "(a)".
(3) On page 6, line 7, between "Title 15" and ", Election", insert "and Chapter 277".
(4) On page 6, line 9, between "12.014" and ";", insert "or 12.020".
(5) On page 6, line 11, between "12.019" and ".", insert "or a local control plan amendment election held under Section 12.020".
(6) On page 6, between lines 11 and 12, insert the following:
(b) An election held under this subchapter, including the circulation and submission of a petition under Section 12.014 or 12.020, constitutes a "measure" under the Election Code. The petition process and election shall be conducted in accordance with the Election Code.
(c) Chapter 36, Penal Code, applies to an election held under this subchapter, including the circulation and submission of a petition under Section 12.014 or 12.020. Signing a petition constitutes an exercise of discretion by a voter for the purposes of Section 36.02, Penal Code.
Sec. 12.0132. PETITION TRANSPARENCY REQUIREMENTS. (a) Each petition under this subchapter must contain a statement that includes:
(1) the name of the school district;
(2) a statement that the petition is for:
(A) the appointment of a local control commission consisting of 15 residents of the district to frame a local control plan for the school district that will operate if the plan is approved by the voters of the district, for a petition under Section 12.014; or
(B) the amendment of a local control plan that will apply if the amendment is approved by the voters of the district, for a petition under Section 12.020; and
(3) the specific management and operational changes that the petitioners are requesting to be included in the local control plan, including any provisions of this title that petitioners seek to have not apply to the district if the local control plan election or amendment election prevails.
(b) A person circulating a petition shall show or read the statement in Subsection (a) to each person whom the person circulating the petition asks to sign the petition.
(c) Each petition sheet must have printed in capital letters in no less than twelve-point boldfaced font in the upper right-hand corner of the face of the petition sheet the phrases "paid circulator" and "volunteer" with a blank line preceding each phrase. A person circulating a petition shall indicate whether the person is a paid circulator or a volunteer by checking the appropriate line on each petition sheet before circulating the petition for signatures.
(d) Before circulation, a copy of a petition must be filed with the board of trustees and the commissioner.
(e) Signatures obtained on a petition in violation of this section are void and may not be considered in the determination of the legal sufficiency of the petition.
(7) Strike page 6, line 26 through page 7, line 8.
(8) Add the following appropriately numbered SECTION to the bill and renumber subsequent SECTIONS accordingly:
SECTION ____. Section 253.094(b), Election Code, is amended to read as follows:
(b) A corporation or labor organization may not make a political contribution in connection with a recall election or an election held under Subchapter B, Chapter 12, Education Code, including the circulation and submission of a petition to call an election, to appoint a local control commission, or to amend a local control plan.