Amend CSHB 2633 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) On page 1, line 6, strike "(d)" and substitute "(f)".
(2) On page 1, line 20, between "department" and the semicolon, insert ", including an agent of the law enforcement agency authorized by contract to obtain the information".
(3) On page 2, line 21, strike "; or" and substitute the following:
(H) an insurance company that issued a policy covering either the driver or any passenger of a vehicle involved in the accident;
(I) a person under contract to provide claims or underwriting information to a person described by Paragraph (F), (G), or (H); or
(4) On page 2, line 22, strike "(H)" and substitute "(J)".
(5) Strike page 2, line 27, through page 3, line 11, and substitute the following:
requested by any person. The redacted accident report may not include the items of information described by Subsection (f)(2). A report released under this subsection is not considered personal information under Section 730.003.
(f) The department:
(1) may not release under Subsection (c-1) or (e) information that[:
[(A)] is personal information, as defined by Section 730.003; [or
would allow a person to satisfy the requirements of Subsection (c)(4) for the release of information for a specific motor vehicle accident;] and
(2) shall withhold or redact the following items of information:
(A) the first, middle, and last name of any person listed in an accident report, including a vehicle driver, occupant, owner, or lessee, a bicyclist, a pedestrian, or a property owner;
(B) the number of any driver's license, commercial driver's license, or personal identification certificate issued to any person listed in an accident report;
(C) the date of birth, other than the year, of any person listed in an accident report;
(D) the address, other than zip code, and telephone number of any person listed in an accident report;
(E) the license plate number of any vehicle listed in an accident report;
(F) [the date of any accident, other than the year;
[(G)] the name of any insurance company listed as a provider of financial responsibility for a vehicle listed in an accident report;
(G) [(H)] the number of any insurance policy issued by an insurance company listed as a provider of financial responsibility;
(H) [(I)] the date the peace officer who investigated the accident was notified of the accident;
(I) [(J)] the date the investigating peace officer arrived at the accident site;
(J) [(K)
the date the investigating officer's report was prepared;
[(L)] the badge number or identification number of the investigating officer;
(K) [(M)] the date on which any person who died as a result of the accident died;
(L) [(N)] the date of any commercial motor vehicle report; and
(M) [(O)] the place where any person injured or killed in an accident was taken and the person or entity that provided the transportation.