Amend CSHB 3291 (house committee printing) Section 2 as follows:
On page 1, line 16 by striking "and adding Subsection (f-1)";
On page 1, strike line 18 and 19 and substitute: "(e) Except as provided by Subsection (f) an offense under this section is:";
On page 3, at the end of line 21 strike "or";
On page 3, beginning at the end of line 24 insert: "or
(C) the value of the property stolen is $20,000 or more but less than $100,000 and the property stolen is:
(i) oil and gas equipment or pipeline equipment, as those terms are defined by Section 112.001, Natural Resources Code;
(ii) oil or gas, as those terms are defined by Section 115.001, Natural Resources Code; or
(iii) condensate, as defined by Section 201.001, Tax Code;";
On page 3 at the end of line 27 strike [or]" and substitute "or"
On page 4 at the end of line 3, strike "; or
(C) the value of the property stolen is $10,000 or more but less than $200,000 and the property stolen is:
(i) oil and gas equipment or pipeline equipment, as those terms are defined by Section 112.001, Natural Resources Code;
(ii) oil or gas, as those terms are defined by Section 115.001, Natural Resources Code; or
(iii) condensate, as defined by Section 201.001, Tax Code"; and
On page 4, strike lines 15 through line 21.