Amend CSHB 3474 (senate committee report) in SECTION 57 of the bill as follows:
(1) In added Subsection (a) (page 20, lines 59-60), strike "Task Force to Study Population Growth in Texas" and substitute "Task Force to Study Population Change and Its Effects on Texas Counties".
(2) In added Subsection (b) (page 20, line 62), strike "Task Force to Study Population Growth in Texas" and substitute "Task Force to Study Population Change and Its Effects on Texas Counties".
(3) In added Subsection (c) (page 21, line 2), strike "nine" and substitute "11".
(4) In added Subsection (c)(2) (page 21, line 7), strike "and".
(5) In added Subsection (c)(3) (page 21, line 9), strike the period and substitute "; and".
(6) Immediately after added Subsection (c)(3) (page 21, between lines 9 and 10), insert the following:
(4) one member of the senate appointed by the lieutenant governor and one member of the house of representatives appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives who shall serve as co-chairs.
(7) Strike added Subsection (d) (page 21, lines 10-11) and substitute the following:
(d) The governor may designate two members of the task force as vice chairs.
(8) Strike added Subsection (e) (page 21, lines 12-14) and reletter subsequent subsections of SECTION 57 of the bill and cross-references to those subsections as necessary.