Amend the proposed floor substitute Floor Amendment No. 1 (84R32314) to HB 3994 in SECTION 3 of the proposed substitute as follows:
(1)  In amended Section 33.002(h), Family Code (page 3, line 3), between "showing" and "that", insert "or signs a sworn affidavit attesting".
(2)  Strike added Section 33.002(k), Family Code (page 4, lines 2-5), and substitute the following:
(k)  For purposes of this section, "due diligence" includes requesting:
(1)  proof of identity and age:
(A)  as described by Section 2.005(b);
(B)  that is a student identification card containing proof of identity and age; or
(C)  that is a driver's license from any state or county;
(2)  a sworn affidavit attesting that the woman has reached the age of majority; or
(3)  a copy of a court order removing disabilities of minority.
(3)  Strike added Section 33.002(l), Family Code (page 4, line 6), and substitute the following:
(l)  Notwithstanding any other law, nothing in this subchapter creates or establishes a standard of care, obligation, or duty that provides a basis for a cause of action or administrative discipline. The information required by this subchapter or evidence that a person violated this section is not admissible in a civil, judicial, or administrative proceeding.