Amend CSSB 6 (senate committee printing) as follows:
(1)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, strike amended Section 39.054(a), Education Code (page 1, lines 27-46), and substitute the following:
(a)  The commissioner shall adopt rules to evaluate school district and campus performance and assign each district and campus an overall [a] performance rating of A, B, C, D, or F and an indicator performance rating of A, B, C, D, or F for each student achievement indicator adopted under Section 39.053. In adopting rules under this subsection, the commissioner shall determine the criteria for each designated letter indicator performance rating. The commissioner shall also assign each district and campus an overall performance rating, based on the application of criteria adopted by the commissioner to the indicator performance ratings for the district or campus, that indicates whether the district or campus met overall performance standards. An overall or indicator [A district] performance rating of A reflects exemplary performance. An overall or indicator performance rating of B reflects recognized performance. An overall or indicator performance rating of [, B, or] C reflects acceptable performance. An overall or indicator [and a district] performance rating of D or F reflects unacceptable performance. [The commissioner shall also assign each campus a performance rating of exemplary, recognized, acceptable, or unacceptable. A campus performance rating of exemplary, recognized, or acceptable reflects acceptable performance, and a campus performance rating of unacceptable reflects unacceptable performance.] A district may not receive an overall or indicator [a] performance rating of A if the district includes any campus with a corresponding overall or indicator performance rating of D or F [unacceptable]. A reference in law to an acceptable rating or acceptable performance includes an overall or indicator performance rating of A or B or exemplary or recognized performance.
(2)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, adding Section 39.054(a-1), Education Code (page 1, line 48), strike "rating" and substitute "ratings [rating]".
(3)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, adding Section 39.054(a-1), Education Code (page 1, line 50), strike "a performance rating" and substitute "an overall or indicator [a] performance rating".