Amend CSSB 9 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) On page 1, line 7, between "ADDITIONAL" and "LIMIT", insert "PROPOSED".
(2) On page 1, strike lines 9-13 and substitute the following:
Sec. 316.0101. SPENDING CATEGORIES. The spending categories for which the Legislative Budget Board shall establish a proposed limit on the rate of growth of appropriations from all sources of revenue other than the federal government in a state fiscal biennium are as follows:
(3) On page 1, line 23, between "a" and "limit", insert "proposed".
(4) On page 2, line 16, between "a" and "limit", insert "proposed".
(5) On page 2, line 20, between "the" and "limit", insert "proposed".
(6) On page 2, line 25, between "the" and "amount", insert "board shall recommend that the".
(7) On page 2, line 27, strike "is" and substitute "be".
(8) On page 3, line 7, between "the" and "limit", insert "proposed".
(9) Strike page 3, lines 10-16, and substitute the following:
(f) Notwithstanding any other law, for purposes of
(10) On page 3, line 18, between "the" and "limit", insert "proposed".
(11) On page 3, line 19, between "the" and "limit", insert "proposed".
(12) Strike page 4, line 9, through page 5, line 6, and substitute the following:
Sec. 316.0105. INCLUSION IN BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS. The Legislative Budget Board shall include in its budget recommendations the proposed limit of appropriations from all sources of revenue other than the federal government for each spending category described by Section 316.0101.
Sec. 316.0106. REPORT ON PROPOSED LIMITS. Not later than January 1 of each odd-numbered year, the Legislative Budget Board shall issue a report containing the proposed limit of appropriations from all sources of revenue other than the federal government for each spending category described by Section 316.0101 to the appropriate standing committees of the house of representatives and the senate. The board shall publish the report on the board's Internet website.