Amend SB 17 (senate committee report) as follows:
(1) In SECTION 40 of the bill, in amended Section 30.05(f) (page 12, lines 14-16), Penal Code, strike Subdivision (2)(B) and substitute the following:
(B)  a handgun that the person is authorized to carry.
(2) In SECTION 44 of the bill, in added Section 30.07, Penal Code (page 13, between lines 23 and 24), immediately after Subsection (f) insert the following:
(g)  This section expires September 1, 2019.
(3) In SECTION 45 of the bill, in amended Section 46.02(a-1), Penal Code (page 13, lines 30-33), strike Subdivision (1) and substitute the following:
(1)  the handgun is in plain view, unless the person is authorized to carry a handgun openly under a license or other law; or
(4)  Strike the recital to SECTION 47 of the bill, amending Section 46.035, Penal Code (page 13, lines 48-49), and substitute "Section 46.035, Penal Code, is amended by amending Subsections (b), (c), (d), and (i) and adding Subsection (l) to read as follows:".
(5)  In SECTION 47 of the bill, strike amended Section 46.035(a), Penal Code (page 13, lines 50-56).
(6)  In SECTION 47 of the bill, in amended Section 46.035(b), Penal Code (page 13, lines 60-61), strike "regardless of whether the handgun is concealed or carried in a shoulder or belt holster," and substitute "[regardless of whether the handgun is concealed,]".
(7)  In SECTION 47 of the bill, in amended Section 46.035(c), Penal Code (page 14, lines 15-16), strike "regardless of whether the handgun is concealed or carried in a shoulder or belt holster," and substitute "[regardless of whether the handgun is concealed,]".
(8)  In SECTION 47 of the bill, in amended Section 46.035(d), Penal Code (page 14, lines 19-21), strike ", regardless of whether the handgun is concealed or carried in a shoulder or belt holster" and substitute "[, regardless of whether the handgun is concealed]".
(9)  In SECTION 47 of the bill, immediately following amended Section 46.035(i), Penal Code (page 14, between lines 24 and 25), insert the following new Subsection (l):
(l)  It is an exception to the application of Subsection (a) that the handgun was partially or wholly visible but was carried in a shoulder or belt holster by the license holder. This subsection expires September 1, 2019.
(10)  In SECTION 48 of the bill, in amended Section 46.15(b), Penal Code (page 15, lines 47-49), strike Subdivision (6)(B) and substitute the following:
(B)  a handgun that the person is authorized to carry.