Amend CSSB 207 (senate committee printing) as follows:
(1)  In SECTION 7 of the bill, in the recital (page 6, line 57), strike "Section 531.1203" and substitute "Sections 531.1027 and 531.1203".
(2)  In SECTION 7 of the bill, immediately following the recital (page 6, between lines 57 and 58), insert the following:
Sec. 531.1027.  PERFORMANCE AUDITS AND COORDINATION OF AUDIT ACTIVITIES. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, the commission's office of inspector general may conduct a performance audit of any program or project administered or agreement entered into by the commission or a health and human services agency, including an audit related to:
(1)  contracting procedures of the commission or a health and human services agency; or
(2)  the performance of the commission or a health and human services agency.
(b)  The office shall coordinate the office's audit activities with those of the commission, including the development of audit plans, the performance of risk assessments, and the reporting of findings, to minimize the duplication of audit activities. In coordinating audit activities with the commission under this subsection, the office shall:
(1)  seek input from the commission and consider previous audits conducted by the commission for purposes of determining whether to conduct a performance audit; and
(2)  request the results of an audit conducted by the commission if those results could inform the office's risk assessment when determining whether to conduct, or the scope of, a performance audit.