Amend SB 746 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1) On page 10, line 23, strike "Section 841.0821" and substitute "Sections 841.0821 and 841.0822".
(2) On page 11, between lines 6 and 7, insert the following:
Sec. 841.0822. REQUIRED PROCEDURES BEFORE RELEASE FROM SECURE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY. Before a committed person is released from a secure correctional facility, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice shall ensure that:
(1) the Department of Public Safety issues a personal identification card to the person; and
(2) the person completes an application for the following federal benefits, as appropriate, for which the person may be eligible:
(A) social security benefits, including disability benefits, administered by the United States Social Security Administration; and
(B) veterans benefits administered by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.