Amend SB 760 (house committee printing) by adding the following appropriately numbered SECTION to the bill and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
SECTION ____.  Section 531.0213, Government Code, is amended by adding Subsections (b-1) and (e), amending Subsection (c), and amending Subsection (d), as amended by SB 219, Acts of the 84th Legislature, Regular Session, 2015, to read as follows:
(b-1)  The commission shall provide support and information services required by this section through a network of entities coordinated by the commission's office of the ombudsman or other division of the commission designated by the executive commissioner and composed of:
(1)  the commission's office of the ombudsman or other division of the commission designated by the executive commissioner to coordinate the network;
(2)  the office of the state long-term care ombudsman required under Subchapter F, Chapter 101A, Human Resources Code;
(3)  the division within the commission responsible for oversight of Medicaid managed care contracts;
(4)  area agencies on aging;
(5)  aging and disability resource centers established under the Aging and Disability Resource Center initiative funded in part by the federal Administration on Aging and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; and
(6)  any other entity the executive commissioner determines appropriate, including nonprofit organizations with which the commission contracts under Subsection (c).
(c)  The commission may provide support and information services by contracting with [a] nonprofit organizations [organization] that are [is] not involved in providing health care, health insurance, or health benefits.
(d)  As a part of the support and information services required by this section, the commission [or nonprofit organization] shall:
(1)  operate a statewide toll-free assistance telephone number that includes relay services for persons with speech or hearing disabilities [TDD lines] and assistance for persons who speak Spanish;
(2)  intervene promptly with the state Medicaid office, managed care organizations and providers, and any other appropriate entity on behalf of a person who has an urgent need for medical services;
(3)  assist a person who is experiencing barriers in the Medicaid application and enrollment process and refer the person for further assistance if appropriate;
(4)  educate persons so that they:
(A)  understand the concept of managed care;
(B)  understand their rights under Medicaid, including grievance and appeal procedures; and
(C)  are able to advocate for themselves;
(5)  collect and maintain statistical information on a regional basis regarding calls received by the assistance lines and publish quarterly reports that:
(A)  list the number of calls received by region;
(B)  identify trends in delivery and access problems;
(C)  identify recurring barriers in the Medicaid system; and
(D)  indicate other problems identified with Medicaid managed care; [and]
(6)  assist the state Medicaid office and managed care organizations and providers in identifying and correcting problems, including site visits to affected regions if necessary;
(7)  meet the needs of all current and future Medicaid managed care recipients, including children receiving dental benefits and other recipients receiving benefits, under the:
(A)  STAR Medicaid managed care program;
(B)  STAR + PLUS Medicaid managed care program, including the Texas Dual Eligibles Integrated Care Demonstration Project provided under that program;
(C)  STAR Kids managed care program established under Section 533.00253; and
(D)  STAR Health program;
(8)  incorporate support services for children enrolled in the child health plan established under Chapter 62, Health and Safety Code; and
(9)  ensure that staff providing support and information services receives sufficient training, including training in the Medicare program for the purpose of assisting recipients who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, and has sufficient authority to resolve barriers experienced by recipients to health care and long-term services and supports.
(e)  The commission's office of the ombudsman, or other division of the commission designated by the executive commissioner to coordinate the network of entities responsible for providing support and information services under this section, must be sufficiently independent from other aspects of Medicaid managed care to represent the best interests of recipients in problem resolution.