Amend CSSB 900 (house committee printing) by adding the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
SECTION ____.  Section 2210.258, Insurance Code, is amended by amending Subsections (a) and (b) and adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
(a)  Except as provided by Subsections [Subsection] (c) and (d) and Section 2210.2581 and notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, to be eligible for insurance through the association, all construction, alteration, remodeling, enlargement, and repair of, or addition to, any structure located in the catastrophe area that is begun on or after the effective date of Sections 5 through 49, HB 4409, Acts of the 81st Legislature, Regular Session, 2009, must be performed in compliance with the applicable building code standards, as set forth in the plan of operation.
(b)  Except as provided by Subsections [Subsection] (c) and (d), the association may not insure a structure described by Subsection (a) until:
(1)  the structure has been inspected for compliance with the plan of operation in accordance with Section 2210.251(a); and
(2)  a certificate of compliance has been issued for the structure in accordance with Section 2210.251(g).
(d)  The association may insure a structure described by Subsection (a) for a policy term not to exceed 30 days if an inspection verification form or other inspection form adopted by the department has been issued for the structure for purposes of providing temporary coverage while an applicant seeks to secure a certificate of compliance for the structure if the structure is otherwise insurable property.
SECTION ____.  Section 2210.2581, Insurance Code, is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 2210.2581.  MANDATORY COMPLIANCE WITH BUILDING STANDARDS; CERTAIN STRUCTURES.  Except as provided by Sections [Section] 2210.251(d) and (e) and Section 2210.258(d), and notwithstanding Sections 2210.258(a), (b), and (c) [Section 2210.258] or any other provision of this chapter, on and after December 31, 2015, the association may not issue or renew insurance coverage for a structure unless the structure complies with the applicable building code standards in effect on the date the construction, alteration, remodeling, enlargement, or repair of, or addition to, the structure begins, as set forth in the plan of operation.