Amend SB 1070 (house committee report) as follows:
(1)  On page 1, line 13, strike "attend and" and substitute "[attend and]".
(2)  On page 1, line 21, following "intoxicated." insert the following:
An educational program provided online may be given approval under this subsection.
(3)  On page 2, line 23, strike "attend" and substitute "successfully complete [attend]".
(4)  On page 4, line 9, strike "attend and" and substitute "[attend and]".
(5)  On page 4, line 11, following the period, insert the following:
An educational program provided online may be given approval under this subsection.
(6)  On page 5, line 7, strike "attend" and substitute "successfully complete [attend]".
(7)  On page 6, line 20, strike "attend" and substitute "successfully complete [attend]".