Amend SB 1356 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  On page 1, line 8, strike "section," and substitute the following:
(1)  "Water-conserving product":
(A)  means tangible personal property that:
(i)  is used on private residential property and is not used for business or trade; and
(ii)  when used or planted in an outdoor residential property, may result in:
(a)  water conservation or groundwater retention;
(b)  water table recharge; or
(c)  a decrease in ambient air temperature that limits water evaporation; and
(B)  includes:
(i)  a soaker or drip-irrigation hose;
(ii)  a moisture control for a sprinkler or irrigation system;
(iii)  mulch;
(iv)  a rain barrel or an alternative rain and moisture collection system; and
(v)  a permeable ground cover surface that allows water to reach underground basins, aquifers, or water collection points.
(2)  On page 1, line 12, between "a" and "WaterSense", insert "water-conserving product or".