Senate Research Center

H.B. 1026

84R6104 ADM-F

By: Thompson, Ed (Garcia)


State Affairs










Current law requires tabulation supervisors at a central counting station to meet the qualifications of a precinct election judge, which include being a registered voter of the political subdivision holding the election. County employees trained in operation of the voting system are currently prohibited from serving as tabulation supervisors unless they happen to be a resident of the contracting political subdivision. The tabulation supervisor is a technical position that requires training in the operation of the tabulating equipment used during an election.


The current restriction was established when most entities conducted separate elections. Many political subdivisions within a county now contract with the county to conduct their elections, in large part to gain access to the county’s voting system. As these voting systems become more technologically advanced, experienced personnel are needed to ensure the election process runs smoothly and securely.


To help accomplish this goal, H.B. 1026 allows an employee of a political subdivision that adopts or owns the voting system in use at elections to be appointed as the central counting tabulations supervisor if they are a registered voter in the county rather than in the contacting political subdivision.


H.B. 1026 amends current law relating to eligibility for appointment as a tabulation supervisor in an election.




This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.




SECTION 1. Amends Section 127.003(b), Election Code, as follows:


(b) Requires a person, to be eligible for appointment as a tabulation supervisor, to be:


(1) trained in the operation of the automatic tabulation equipment installed at the counting station; and


(2) a registered voter of the political subdivision served by the authority establishing the counting station or an employee of the political subdivision that adopts or owns the voting system.


SECTION 2. Effective date: upon passage or September 1, 2015.