Senate Research Center

C.S.S.B. 288

84R6588 AAF-F

By: Estes






Committee Report (Substituted)






C.S.S.B. 288 amends the Transportation Code to designate a portion of State Highway 16 (formerly State Highway 254) in Young County from the Palo Pinto County line northwest to the municipal limits of Graham as Texas Game Warden Joseph Evans Memorial Highway. The bill also requires that the Texas Department of Transportation, subject to a grant or donation of funds, design and construct markers indicating the designation as the Texas Game Warden Joseph Marshall Evans Memorial Highway and any other important information, and to erect a marker at each end of the highway and at appropriate intermediate sites along the highway.


This committee substitute differs from the original bill by substituting "northwest" for "northeast" to correct a drafting error.


C.S.S.B. 288 amends current law relating to the designation of a portion of State Highway 16 in Young County as the Texas Game Warden Joseph Marshall Evans Memorial Highway.




This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.




SECTION 1. Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 225, Transportation Code, by adding Section 225.106, as follows:


Sec. 225.106. TEXAS GAME WARDEN JOSEPH MARSHALL EVANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY. (a) Provides that the portion of State Highway 16 in Young County from the Palo Pinto County line northwest to the municipal limits of Graham is designated as the Texas Game Warden Joseph Marshall Evans Memorial Highway.


(b) Requires the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), subject to Section 225.021 (c) (relating to requiring TxDOT to accept a grant or donation made to assist in financing the construction and maintenance of a marker), to:


(1) design and construct markers indicating the highway number, the designation as the Texas Game Warden Joseph Marshall Evans Memorial Highway, and any other appropriate information; and


(2) erect a marker at each end of the highway and at appropriate intermediate sites along the highway.


SECTION 2. Effective date: upon passage or September 1, 2015.