S.B. 1059

By: Hinojosa


Committee Report (Unamended)






Interested parties contend that growing shipping and refinery industries have increased cargo traffic in Texas ports, such as the Port of Corpus Christi, which has recently seen an abundance of large freight trucks. Currently, the Port of Corpus Christi Authority may issue oversize and overweight vehicle permits, but this authorization is limited to vehicles carrying cargo on state highway special freight corridors in only one county. S.B. 1059 seeks to expand this permit authorization to certain other roads and routes, which will allow for the efficient movement of cargo and further economic growth generated by the port.




It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly create a criminal offense, increase the punishment for an existing criminal offense or category of offenses, or change the eligibility of a person for community supervision, parole, or mandatory supervision.




It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution.




S.B. 1059 amends the Transportation Code to replace the authority of the Texas Transportation Commission to authorize the Port of Corpus Christi Authority to issue permits for the movement of oversize or overweight vehicles carrying cargo on state highway special freight corridors located in San Patricio County with the authority of the commission to authorize the port authority to issue permits for the movement of such vehicles carrying cargo on certain specified roads in San Patricio and Nueces Counties or a route designated by the commission in consultation with the port authority. The bill changes the nature of one of the statements required to be included on such a permit issued by the port authority from a statement that the cargo may only be transported to and from the port authority's La Quinta terminal in San Patricio County using a state highway special freight corridor in San Patricio County to a statement that cargo may be transported in San Patricio and Nueces Counties only over the roads and designated routes as specified by the bill.




On passage, or, if the bill does not receive the necessary vote, September 1, 2015.