Senate Research Center

S.B. 1699

84R10663 AAF-F

By: Huffman


Health & Human Services




As Filed






According to the group CHILDREN AT RISK, between 10 and 25 percent of mothers will suffer from postpartum depression, which can occur during pregnancy or even a year after giving birth.  S.B. 1699 designates the month of May as Postpartum Depression Awareness Month.  By identifying May in Texas as Postpartum Depression Awareness Month, citizens will be encouraged to identify signs, symptoms, and treatment options for postpartum depression.  Under the bill, state health and human services agencies will identify and update the list of recommended materials for perinatal mental health available through the Texas Department of State Health Services and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission and circulate postpartum depression resources on state and local agency websites.  The awareness generated by Postpartum Depression Awareness Month should encourage mothers-to-be and new mothers to be screened for postpartum depression using validated survey instruments.


As proposed, S.B. 1699 amends current law relating to the designation of May as Postpartum Depression Awareness Month.




This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.




SECTION 1. Amends Subchapter D, Chapter 662, Government Code, by adding Section 662.110, as follows:


Sec. 662.110.  POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION AWARENESS MONTH.  (a) Provides that May is Postpartum Depression Awareness Month to increase awareness of postpartum depression and to encourage:


(1)  the identification of signs, symptoms, and treatment options for postpartum depression;


(2)  the creation and update of lists of recommended materials for perinatal mental health available through the Department of State Health Services and the Health and Human Services Commission;


(3)  electronic circulation of and posting on state and local agency websites of recommended postpartum depression resources;


(4)  mothers-to-be and new mothers to be screened for postpartum depression using validated survey instruments; and


(5)  collaboration between governmental agencies, educational institutions, hospitals, private health care practices, health insurance providers, Medicaid providers, and mental health agencies to increase awareness of postpartum affective illness.


(b)  Requires that Postpartum Depression Awareness Month be regularly observed through appropriate programs and activities to increase awareness of postpartum depression.


SECTION 2. Effective date: September 1, 2015.