84R2783 GCB-D
  By: Dutton H.B. No. 543
  relating to the creation of a specialty court for certain
  first-time DWI offenders; imposing fees for participation and
  alcohol monitoring.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle B, Title 6, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 470 to read as follows:
  CERTAIN DEFENDANTS. (a) In this chapter, "Direct Intervention
  using Voluntary Education, Restitution, and Treatment Program" or
  "DIVERT program" means a program that has the following essential
               (1)  the integration of alcohol and other drug
  treatment services in the processing of certain first-time driving
  while intoxicated cases in the judicial system;
               (2)  the use of a nonadversarial approach involving
  prosecutors and defense attorneys to promote public safety, raise
  community awareness of the consequences of driving while
  intoxicated, and protect the due process rights of program
               (3)  early identification and prompt placement of
  eligible participants in the program;
               (4)  access to a continuum of evidence-based alcohol,
  drug, and other related treatment and rehabilitative services;
               (5)  monitoring of abstinence through weekly alcohol
  and other drug testing;
               (6)  a coordinated strategy to govern program responses
  to participants' compliance;
               (7)  minimization of court appearances during the
  period of participation in the program;
               (8)  application of uniform criteria to the entry,
  supervision, and treatment of each program participant;
               (9)  monitoring and evaluation of program goals and
               (10)  continuing interdisciplinary education to
  promote effective program planning, implementation, and
  operations; and
               (11)  development of partnerships with public agencies
  and community organizations.
         (b)  If a defendant successfully completes a DIVERT program,
  after notice to the state and a hearing on whether the defendant is
  otherwise entitled to the petition and whether issuance of the
  order is in the best interest of justice, notwithstanding Section
  5(d), Article 42.12, Code of Criminal Procedure, the court shall
  enter an order of nondisclosure under Section 411.081, Government
  Code, as if the defendant had received a discharge and dismissal
  under Section 5(c), Article 42.12, Code of Criminal Procedure, with
  respect to all records and files related to the defendant's arrest
  for the offense for which the defendant entered the program if the
               (1)  has not been previously convicted of any felony
  offense; and
               (2)  is not before the second anniversary of the
  defendant's successful completion of the program convicted of:
                     (A)  an offense under Chapter 49, Penal Code,
  other than an offense under Section 49.02 or 49.031 of that code;
                     (B)  an offense under Chapter 481; or
                     (C)  any offense punishable as a felony.
         Sec. 470.002.  EVALUATION AND CONDITIONS. (a) Treatment,
  education, and supervision provided under the DIVERT program must
  be based on a series of evaluations designed to assess the treatment
  and education needs of each program participant with respect to the
  participant's alcohol or drug dependency and motivation.
         (b)  Except as otherwise provided by this section, program
  administrators shall impose on each program participant conditions
  for successful completion of the program based on the needs
  assessment conducted under Subsection (a).
         (c)  Program administrators shall require any participant
  younger than 25 years of age to attend a video course of not less
  than four hours designed to empower young drivers to adopt safer
  driving habits and reduce injury and death among young drivers,
  such as the video course titled "Alive at 25" developed by the
  National Safety Council.
         (d)  The court shall require a program participant as a
  condition of participation in the program to, for a period of one
               (1)  if the participant owns or regularly drives a
  motor vehicle:
                     (A)  have installed on the motor vehicle owned by
  the participant or on the vehicle most regularly driven by the
  participant a device that uses a deep-lung breath analysis
  mechanism to make impractical the operation of a motor vehicle if
  ethyl alcohol is detected in the breath of the operator; and
                     (B)  not operate any motor vehicle unless the
  vehicle is equipped with that device; or
               (2)  if the participant does not own or regularly drive
  a motor vehicle:
                     (A)  obtain a deep-lung breath analysis mechanism
  that detects ethyl alcohol on the participant's breath; and
                     (B)  use the mechanism at intervals prescribed by
  the court.
         (e)  The court may designate an appropriate agency to verify
  the installation of the device described by Subsection (d)(1) or
  the acquisition of the mechanism described by Subsection (d)(2) and
  to monitor the device or mechanism. If the magistrate designates an
  agency under this subsection, in each month during which the agency
  verifies the installation of the device or the acquisition of the
  mechanism or provides a monitoring service for the device or
  mechanism, the participant shall pay a fee to the designated agency
  in the amount set by the court. The participant shall pay the
  initial fee at the time the agency verifies the installation of the
  device or the acquisition of the mechanism. In each subsequent
  month during which the participant is required to pay a fee, the
  participant shall pay the fee on the first occasion in that month
  that the agency provides a monitoring service. The court shall set
  the fee in an amount not to exceed $10 as determined by the county
  auditor, or by the commissioners court of the county if the county
  does not have a county auditor, to be sufficient to cover the cost
  incurred by the designated agency in conducting the verification or
  providing the monitoring service, as applicable in that county.
         Sec. 470.003.  AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH PROGRAM. The
  commissioners court of a county or governing body of a municipality
  may establish a DIVERT program for persons:
               (1)  who are arrested for, charged with, or convicted
  of an offense under Section 49.04, Penal Code, or who are juveniles
  detained for, taken into custody for, or adjudicated as having
  engaged in conduct constituting an offense under Section 49.04,
  Penal Code;
               (2)  who have not been previously convicted of or
  adjudicated as having engaged in conduct constituting an offense
  under Chapter 49, Penal Code, other than an offense under Section
  49.02 or 49.031, Penal Code; and
               (3)  for whom participation in the program is in the
  best interests of the community, as determined by the court and the
  attorney representing the state.
  commissioners courts of two or more counties, or the governing
  bodies of two or more municipalities, may elect to establish a
  regional DIVERT program under this chapter for the participating
  counties or municipalities.
         Sec. 470.005.  OVERSIGHT. (a) The lieutenant governor and
  the speaker of the house of representatives may assign to
  appropriate legislative committees duties relating to the
  oversight of DIVERT programs established under this chapter.
         (b)  A legislative committee or the governor may request the
  state auditor to perform a management, operations, or financial or
  accounting audit of a DIVERT program established under this
         (c)  The director or administrator of a DIVERT program
  established under this chapter shall:
               (1)  notify the criminal justice division of the
  governor's office before or on implementation of the program; and
               (2)  provide information regarding the performance of
  the program to the division on request.
         Sec. 470.006.  FEES. (a) A DIVERT program established under
  this chapter may collect from a participant in the program:
               (1)  a reasonable program fee not to exceed $1,000; and
               (2)  an alcohol or controlled substance testing,
  counseling, and treatment fee in an amount necessary to cover the
  costs of the testing, counseling, and treatment.
         (b)  Fees collected under this section may be paid on a
  periodic basis or on a deferred payment schedule at the discretion
  of the judge, magistrate, or program director administering the
  program.  The fees must be:
               (1)  based on the participant's ability to pay; and
               (2)  used only for purposes specific to the program.
  The commissioners court of a county with a population of more than
  200,000 shall establish a DIVERT program under Section 470.003.
         (b)  A county required under this section to establish a
  DIVERT program shall apply for federal and state funds available to
  pay the costs of the program.  The criminal justice division of the
  governor's office may assist a county in applying for federal funds
  as required by this subsection.
         (c)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a), a county is required to
  establish a DIVERT program under this section only if the county
  receives federal or state funding specifically for that purpose.
         (d)  A county that does not establish a DIVERT program as
  required by this section and maintain the program is ineligible to
  receive from the state:
               (1)  funds for a community supervision and corrections
  department; and
               (2)  grants for substance abuse treatment programs
  administered by the criminal justice division of the governor's
  PROGRAMS. (a)  In addition to using a DIVERT program established
  under this chapter, the commissioners court of a county or a court
  may use other drug-awareness programs or drug-related and
  alcohol-related driving awareness programs to treat persons
  convicted of drug-related or alcohol-related offenses.
         (b)  If the county or municipality in which a person resides
  has established both a DIVERT program under this chapter and a drug
  court program under Section 123.005, Government Code, and if the
  person is eligible to be a participant in both programs, the court
  may order the person to participate in either program as the court
  determines appropriate.
  REQUIREMENT. (a) Notwithstanding Sections 13 and 16, Article
  42.12, Code of Criminal Procedure, to encourage participation in a
  DIVERT program established under this chapter, the judge or
  magistrate administering the program may suspend any requirement
  that, as a condition of community supervision, a participant in the
  program work a specified number of hours at a community service
  project or projects.
         (b)  On a participant's successful completion of a DIVERT
  program, a judge or magistrate may excuse the participant from any
  condition of community supervision previously suspended under
  Subsection (a).
         Sec. 470.010.  OCCUPATIONAL DRIVER'S LICENSE.
  Notwithstanding Section 521.242, Transportation Code, if a
  participant's driver's license has been suspended as a result of an
  alcohol-related or drug-related enforcement contact, as defined by
  Section 524.001, Transportation Code, or as a result of a
  conviction under Section 49.04, Penal Code, or an adjudication of
  conduct constituting an offense under that section, the judge or
  magistrate administering a DIVERT program under this chapter may
  order that an occupational license be issued to the participant.  An
  order issued under this section is subject to Sections
  521.248-521.252, Transportation Code, except that any reference to
  a petition under Section 521.242 of that code does not apply.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter B, Chapter 103, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Sections 103.0294 and 103.0295 to read as
  HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE.  A program fee for a DIVERT program
  established under Section 470.003, Health and Safety Code, shall be
  collected under Section 470.006, Health and Safety Code, in a
  reasonable amount not to exceed $1,000.
  HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE. A participant in a DIVERT program
  administered under Chapter 470, Health and Safety Code, who is
  ordered by the court to have an ignition interlock device installed
  on the participant's vehicle or to obtain and use a breath analysis
  mechanism shall pay a fee in an amount set by a court not to exceed
  $10 in each month that the designated agency verifies the
  installation of a device or the acquisition of a mechanism or
  provides a monitoring service.
         SECTION 3.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of
  this section, the commissioners court of a county shall establish a
  DIVERT program as required by Section 470.007, Health and Safety
  Code, as added by this Act, not later than September 1, 2016.
         (b)  A county is required under Section 470.007, Health and
  Safety Code, as added by this Act, to establish a DIVERT program
  only if the county receives federal funding specifically for that
  purpose or the legislature appropriates money specifically for that
  purpose. If the county does not receive federal funding
  specifically for that purpose and the legislature does not
  appropriate money specifically for that purpose, a county may, but
  is not required to, establish a DIVERT program under Section
  470.003, Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act, using other
  money available for that purpose.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2015.