By: Larson H.B. No. 836
  relating to the development of brackish groundwater.
         SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that the state will
  benefit from the encouragement of the use of brackish groundwater
  resources to help supply the water demands of the state.
         SECTION 2.  Section 16.012(b), Water Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (b)  The executive administrator shall:
               (1)  determine suitable locations for future water
  facilities, including reservoir sites;
               (2)  determine suitable, cost-effective water supply
  alternatives on a regional basis, including voluntary means of
  encouraging aggressive water conservation;
               (3)  locate land best suited for irrigation;
               (4)  make estimates of the cost of proposed irrigation
  works and the improvement of reservoir sites;
               (5)  examine and survey reservoir sites;
               (6)  monitor the effects of fresh water inflows upon
  the bays and estuaries of Texas;
               (7)  monitor instream flows;
               (8)  lead a statewide effort, in coordination with
  federal, state, and local governments, institutions of higher
  education, and other interested parties, to develop a network for
  collecting and disseminating water resource-related information
  that is sufficient to support assessment of ambient water
  conditions statewide;
               (9)  make recommendations for optimizing the
  efficiency and effectiveness of water resource data collection and
  dissemination as necessary to ensure that basic water resource data
  are maintained and available for Texas; and
               (10)  study groundwater resources to identify areas
  suitable for designation as brackish groundwater production zones;
               (11)  make basic data and summary information developed
  under this subsection accessible to state agencies and other
  interested persons.
         SECTION 3.  Section 16.012, Water Code, is amended by
  amending Subsection (l) and adding Subsections (o) through (q) to
  read as follows:
         (l)  The executive administrator shall obtain or develop
  groundwater availability models for major and minor aquifers in
  coordination with groundwater conservation districts and regional
  water planning groups created under Section 16.053 that overlie the
  aquifers.  Modeling of major aquifers shall be completed not later
  than October 1, 2004.  On completing a groundwater availability
  model for an aquifer, the executive administrator shall provide the
  model to each groundwater conservation district and each regional
  water planning group created under Section 16.053 overlying that
  aquifer.  If the executive administrator updates a groundwater
  availability model, the executive administrator shall consider
  expanding the groundwater availability model to adequately address
  groundwater contained in designated brackish groundwater zones.
         (o)  The executive administrator shall obtain or develop a
  series of regional maps and supporting documentation that
  delineates areas of groundwater resources as follows:
               (1)  areas of groundwater resources with average total
  dissolved solid levels greater than 3,000 milligrams per liter
  that, if subjected to continuous appreciable pumping over a period
  of 30 years, would not result in unreasonable negative impacts to
  groundwater resources described by Section 36.501(b); and
               (2)  areas of groundwater resources with average total
  dissolved solid levels between 1,000 and 3,000 milligrams per liter
  that, if subjected to continuous appreciable pumping over a period
  of 30 years, would not result in unreasonable negative impacts to
  groundwater resources described by Section 36.501(b).
         (p)  The regional maps described under Subsection (o) shall
  be developed in coordination with groundwater conservation
  districts and regional water planning groups that overlie the
  groundwater resources in the area. The regional maps shall be
  completed not later than October 1, 2019.  On completing a regional
  map and its supporting documentation, the executive administrator
  shall provide the map to each groundwater conservation district and
  each regional water planning group in the area of the map.
         (q)  The executive administrator shall conduct a review and
  submit findings to the 85th Texas Legislature in the board's
  biennial report required by Section 6.156 regarding existing
  groundwater availability models developed as required by Section
  16.012(l) documenting the extent, if any, of brackish groundwater
  resources included in current models and areas of significant
  groundwater resources for which no groundwater availability model
  currently exists.
         SECTION 4.  Section 16.053(e), Water Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (e)  Each regional water planning group shall submit to the
  development board a regional water plan that:
               (1)  is consistent with the guidance principles for the
  state water plan adopted by the development board under Section
               (2)  provides information based on data provided or
  approved by the development board in a format consistent with the
  guidelines provided by the development board under Subsection (d);
               (2-a) is consistent with the desired future conditions
  adopted under Section 36.108 for the relevant aquifers located in
  the regional water planning area as of the date the board most
  recently adopted a state water plan under Section 16.051 or, at the
  option of the regional water planning group, established subsequent
  to the adoption of the most recent plan;
               (3)  identifies:
                     (A)  each source of water supply in the regional
  water planning area, including information supplied by the
  executive administrator on the amount of modeled available
  groundwater in accordance with the guidelines provided by the
  development board under Subsections (d) and (f);
                     (B)  factors specific to each source of water
  supply to be considered in determining whether to initiate a
  drought response;
                     (C)  actions to be taken as part of the response;
                     (D)  existing major water infrastructure
  facilities that may be used for interconnections in the event of an
  emergency shortage of water;
               (4)  has specific provisions for water management
  strategies to be used during a drought of record;
               (5)  includes but is not limited to consideration of
  the following:
                     (A)  any existing water or drought planning
  efforts addressing all or a portion of the region;
                     (B)  approved groundwater conservation district
  management plans and other plans submitted under Section 16.054;
                     (C)  all potentially feasible water management
  strategies, including but not limited to improved conservation,
  reuse, and management of existing water supplies, conjunctive use,
  acquisition of available existing water supplies, and development
  of new water supplies;
                     (D)  protection of existing water rights in the
                     (E)  opportunities for and the benefits of
  developing regional water supply facilities or providing regional
  management of water supply facilities;
                     (F)  appropriate provision for environmental
  water needs and for the effect of upstream development on the bays,
  estuaries, and arms of the Gulf of Mexico and the effect of plans on
                     (G)  provisions in Section 11.085(k)(1) if
  interbasin transfers are contemplated;
                     (H)  voluntary transfer of water within the region
  using, but not limited to, regional water banks, sales, leases,
  options, subordination agreements, and financing agreements; [and]
                     (I)  emergency transfer of water under Section
  11.139, including information on the part of each permit, certified
  filing, or certificate of adjudication for nonmunicipal use in the
  region that may be transferred without causing unreasonable damage
  to the property of the nonmunicipal water rights holder; and
                     (J)  opportunities for and the benefits of
  designating local or regional brackish groundwater production
               (6)  identifies river and stream segments of unique
  ecological value and sites of unique value for the construction of
  reservoirs that the regional water planning group recommends for
  protection under Section 16.051;
               (7)  assesses the impact of the plan on unique river and
  stream segments identified in Subdivision (6) if the regional water
  planning group or the legislature determines that a site of unique
  ecological value exists;
               (8)  describes the impact of proposed water projects on
  water quality; and
               (9)  includes information on:
                     (A)  projected water use and conservation in the
  regional water planning area; and
                     (B)  the implementation of state and regional
  water plan projects, including water conservation strategies,
  necessary to meet the state's projected water demands.
         SECTION 5.  Section 16.060, Water Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (a) and (b) and adding Subsection (d) to read
  as follows:
         (a)  The board shall undertake or participate in research,
  feasibility and facility planning studies, investigations, and
  surveys as it considers necessary to further the development of
  cost-effective water supplies from seawater or groundwater
  desalination in the state.
         (b)  The board shall prepare a biennial progress report on
  the implementation of seawater or groundwater desalination
  activities in the state and shall submit it to the governor,
  lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives
  not later than December 1 of each even-numbered year.  The report
  shall include:
               (1)  results of the board's studies and activities
  relative to seawater or groundwater desalination during the
  preceding biennium;
               (2)  identification and evaluation of research,
  regulatory, technical, and financial impediments to the
  implementation of seawater or groundwater desalination projects;
               (3)  evaluation of the role the state should play in
  furthering the development of large-scale seawater or groundwater
  desalination projects in the state; and
               (4)  the anticipated appropriation from general
  revenues necessary to continue investigating water desalination
  activities in the state during the next biennium.
         SECTION 6.  Section 36.001, Water Code, is amended by adding
  a new Subdivision (17) to read as follows:
               (17)  "Brackish groundwater production zone" means a
  zone designated by a district or the Texas Water Development Board
  in accordance with Subchapter O.
         SECTION 7.  Section 36.1071(a), Water Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 36.1071.  MANAGEMENT PLAN.  (a) Following notice and
  hearing, the district shall, in coordination with surface water
  management entities on a regional basis, develop a management plan
  that addresses the following management goals, as applicable:
               (1)  providing the most efficient use of groundwater;
               (2)  controlling and preventing waste of groundwater;
               (3)  controlling and preventing subsidence;
               (4)  addressing conjunctive surface water management
               (5)  addressing natural resource issues;
               (6)  addressing drought conditions;
               (7)  addressing conservation, recharge enhancement,
  rainwater harvesting, precipitation enhancement, or brush control,
  where appropriate and cost-effective
               (8)  promoting the development and use of groundwater
  in brackish groundwater production zones; and
               (9)  addressing the desired future conditions adopted
  by the district under Section 36.108.
         SECTION 8.  Section 36.108, Water Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (d), (d-1), and (d-3) to read as follows:
         (d)  Not later than September 1, 2010, and every five years
  thereafter, the districts shall consider groundwater availability
  models and other data or information for the management area and
  shall propose for adoption desired future conditions for the
  relevant aquifers within the management area. Before voting on the
  proposed desired future conditions of the aquifers under Subsection
  (d-2), the districts shall consider:
               (1)  aquifer uses or conditions within the management
  area, including conditions that differ substantially from one
  geographic area to another;
               (2)  the water supply needs and water management
  strategies included in the state water plan;
               (3)  hydrological conditions, including for each
  aquifer in the management area the total estimated recoverable
  storage as provided by the executive administrator, and the average
  annual recharge, inflows, and discharge;
               (4)  other environmental impacts, including impacts on
  spring flow and other interactions between groundwater and surface
               (5)  the impact on subsidence;
               (6)  socioeconomic impacts reasonably expected to
               (7)  the impact on the interests and rights in private
  property, including ownership and the rights of management area
  landowners and their lessees and assigns in groundwater as
  recognized under Section 36.002;
               (8)  the impact on existing and potential brackish
  groundwater production zones;
               (9)  the feasibility of achieving the desired future
  condition; and
               (10)  any other information relevant to the specific
  desired future conditions.
         (d-1)  The districts may establish different desired future
  conditions for:
               (1)  each aquifer, subdivision of an aquifer, or
  geologic strata located in whole or in part within the boundaries of
  the management area; or
               (2)  each geographic area overlying an aquifer in whole
  or in part or subdivision of an aquifer within the boundaries of the
  management area; or
               (3)  brackish groundwater production zones.
         (d-3)  After the earlier of the date on which all the
  districts have submitted their district summaries or the expiration
  of the public comment period under Subsection (d-2), the district
  representatives shall reconvene to review the reports, consider any
  district's suggested revisions to the proposed desired future
  conditions, and finally adopt the desired future conditions for the
  management area. The desired future conditions must be adopted as a
  resolution by a two-thirds vote of all the district
  representatives. The district representatives shall produce a
  desired future conditions explanatory report for the management
  area and submit to the development board and each district in the
  management area proof that notice was posted for the joint planning
  meeting, a copy of the resolution, and a copy of the explanatory
  report. The report must:
               (1)  identify each desired future condition;
               (2)  provide the policy and technical justifications
  for each desired future condition;
               (3)  include documentation that the factors under
  Subsection (d) were considered by the districts and a discussion of
  how the adopted desired future conditions impact each factor;
               (4)  list other desired future condition options
  considered, if any, and the reasons why those options were not
  adopted; and
               (5)  discuss, if applicable, how the desired future
  conditions promote the use of groundwater from brackish groundwater
  production zones; and
               (6)  discuss reasons why recommendations made by
  advisory committees and relevant public comments received by the
  districts were or were not incorporated into the desired future
         SECTION 9.  Section 36.1132(b), Water Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (b)  In issuing permits, the district shall manage total
  groundwater production on a long-term basis to achieve an
  applicable desired future condition and consider:
               (1)  the modeled available groundwater determined by
  the executive administrator;
               (2)  the executive administrator's estimate of the
  current and projected amount of groundwater produced under
  exemptions granted by district rules and Section 36.117;
               (3)  the amount of groundwater authorized under permits
  previously issued by the district;
               (4)  a reasonable estimate of the amount of groundwater
  that is actually produced under permits issued by the district; and
               (5)  yearly precipitation and production patterns; and
               (6)  the extent to which the total volume of water
  authorized to be produced under permits issued by the district may
  be increased because of the amount of groundwater production that
  will occur from within brackish groundwater production zones while
  still achieving an applicable desired future condition.
         SECTION 10.  Section 36.402, Water Code, is amended to read
  as follows:
         Sec. 36.402.  APPLICABILITY. Except as provided by Section
  36.416 and under Subchapter O, this subchapter applies to the
  notice and hearing process used by a district for permit and permit
  amendment applications.
         SECTION 11.  Chapter 36, Water Code, is amended to add
  Subchapter O, as follows:
         Sec. 36.501.  APPLICABILITY.  (a) Except as provided in
  subsection (b), a brackish groundwater production zone may be
  designated in any groundwater reservoir or subdivision of a
  groundwater reservoir in the state.
         (b)  No brackish groundwater production zone may be
  designated in the following:
               (1)  any area of a groundwater reservoir or subdivision
  of a groundwater reservoir with average total dissolved solids
  levels of 1,000 milligrams per liter or less, at the time of
  submission of an administratively complete petition under Section
               (2)  any area of a groundwater reservoir or subdivision
  of a groundwater reservoir with average total dissolved solids
  levels of more than 1,000 milligrams per liter that is serving as a
  significant source of water supply for municipal, domestic, or
  agricultural purposes, other than production from another brackish
  groundwater production zone, at the time of submission of an
  administratively complete petition under Section 36.502;
               (3)  any area of the Edwards Aquifer subject to the
  jurisdiction of the Edwards Aquifer Authority; or
               (4)  any area within the boundaries of the Barton
  Springs-Edwards Aquifer Conservation District, the
  Harris-Galveston Subsidence District, or the Fort Bend Subsidence
         (c)  The average total dissolved solids levels provided in
  Subsection (b)(1) and (2) shall be determined by:
               (1)  using the methodologies included in the guidance
  documents developed by the Texas Water Development Board under
  Section 36.503; or
               (2)  a process agreed to in writing by the petitioner
  and the district in which the project is located.
         Sec. 36.502.  DESIGNATION OF ZONE BY PETITION.  (a) A person
  with a legally defined interest in the groundwater to be included
  in a brackish groundwater production zone may petition the district
  to designate a brackish groundwater production zone in a
  groundwater reservoir or subdivision of a reservoir, or in a
  specific area of a groundwater reservoir or subdivision of a
         (b)  The district shall designate a zone if the petitioner
  demonstrates that:
               (1)  the production of groundwater proposed in the
  petition will not cause unreasonable negative impacts:
                     (A)  to the quality or quantity of groundwater
  available for permitted and exempt production in any area of a
  groundwater reservoir or subdivision of a groundwater reservoir
  described under Section 36.501(b);
                     (B)  to existing wells or well systems; or
                     (C)  on the achievement of applicable existing
  desired future conditions; and
               (2)  a monitoring plan described under Section
  36.504(a)(4) is sufficient to monitor the impacts described under
  Subdivision (1) of this subsection.
         (c)  Notwithstanding subsection (b), a district may
  designate a brackish groundwater production zone if the petitioner
  demonstrates that, while there are unreasonable negative impacts
  described under Subsection (b)(1) or there are existing wells that
  may be unreasonably negatively impacted by production from the
  zone, the mitigation plan, if any, submitted under Section 36.504
  as part of the petition will reasonably offset the impacts.
         (d)  A brackish groundwater production zone designation
  created under this subsection shall be consistent with the rights
  recognized under Section 36.002.
  BOARD.  The Texas Water Development Board, with input from
  districts and interested stakeholders, shall develop guidance
  documents addressing the technical contents of petitions to
  designate brackish groundwater production zones.  The guidance
  documents shall include a description of the technical
  information, including hydrogeologic studies, modeling, or other
  applicable geophysical and geochemical data regarding properties
  of the groundwater reservoirs and subdivisions of groundwater
  reservoirs in the area of a proposed zone, and monitoring and
  reporting protocols that will be required as part of a petition to
  make the demonstrations set forth under Section 36.502(b) and (c),
  and guidance on how to determine average total dissolved solids
  levels in an area of a groundwater reservoir or subdivision of a
  groundwater reservoir. The guidance documents shall be used by
  petitioners in developing petitions and by districts and the Texas
  Water Development Board in reviewing petitions.
         Sec. 36.504.  CONTENTS OF A PETITION.  A petition for the
  designation of a brackish groundwater production zone shall include
  the following:
               (1)  a description of:
                     (A)  the location of the area overlying the zone
  and a map that includes sufficient details to enable a property
  owner to determine whether his property is located within the
  associated surface acreage proposed to be included in the zone
  based on:
                           (1)  a metes and bounds survey certified by a
  licensed state land surveyor or a registered professional land
                           (2)  the Texas State Plane Coordinate
  System; or
                           (3)  verifiable landmarks, including a road,
  creek, or railroad line;
                     (B)  the groundwater reservoir or subdivision of a
  groundwater reservoir in which the zone will be located; and
                     (C)  the petitioner's rights to produce
  groundwater in the zone;
               (2)  the approximate locations, production rates,
  depths of well screens, total annual production, and total duration
  of production of wells to be used for production of groundwater
  from the zone;
               (3)  technical information consistent with the
  guidance documents developed under Subsection (b) sufficient to
  make the demonstrations set forth under Section 36.502(b),
  including the scope and degree of impact, due to projected
  production, on areas of groundwater reservoirs and subdivisions of
  groundwater reservoirs locate inside and outside the zone described
  under Section 36.501(b);
               (4)  a plan for monitoring and reporting on a periodic
  basis the quality and quantity of groundwater in the proposed zone
  and adjacent areas of groundwater reservoirs and subdivisions of
  groundwater reservoirs described under Section 36.501(b);
               (5)  proposed mitigation plans to identify and mitigate
  impacts to existing well owners, if any, caused by the petitioner's
  production of groundwater from the zone; and
               (6)  if applicable, a description of the expected
  project financing term and estimated duration of the project that
  will be producing groundwater from the zone.
  (a)  A petition to designate a brackish groundwater production zone
  shall be filed with the district with jurisdiction over the
  groundwater reservoir or subdivision of a groundwater reservoir
  proposed to be designated as a brackish groundwater production
  zone. A copy of the petition shall be filed with the Texas Water
  Development Board. Within 45 days after receipt of a petition, the
  district shall deem the petition administratively complete,
  provide the petitioner with notice of the deficiencies in the
  petition, or provide the petitioner with notice that the petition
  shall be considered for direct referral to the Texas Water
  Development Board.
         (b)  A district shall hold a hearing on a petition or on a
  request to directly refer the petition to the Texas Water
  Development Board. The notice and hearing shall be provided and
  conducted in the same manner as a rulemaking hearing under Section
  36.101, and the district shall require all hearing participants to
  register as described under Section 36.101(g). The executive
  administrator may, and at the request of the district or petitioner
  shall, participate in the hearing and provide technical comments
  for the benefit of the district, the petitioner, and the public
  regarding the petition and the designation of the zone in
  accordance with the provisions of this subchapter.
         (c)  The district board shall make a final ruling on a
  petition within 150 days of receipt of an administratively complete
         (d)  A petition shall be deemed denied, without further
  action by a district, if the district fails to directly refer the
  petition to the Texas Water Development Board or make a final ruling
  on the petition in accordance with Section 36.505(c), unless
  otherwise agreed by the petitioner and district.
  district board may grant, modify, deny or directly refer a petition
  to the Texas Water Development Board by written order. Unless the
  written order directly refers the petition to the Texas Water
  Development Board, the order shall include the findings of the
  district board relevant to the determinations set forth under
  Section 36.502(b) and (c) and projected impacts of the proposed
  groundwater production from within the zone, including any
  projected impacts to the quality or quantity of groundwater in
  areas described under Section 36.501(b). Unless the written order
  directly refers the petition to the Texas Water Development Board,
  the board's order shall describe how the zone designation is
  consistent with the rights recognized in Section 36.002 or whether
  the zone designation does not impact the rights recognized in
  Section 36.002, and shall include the participant registration
  information obtained under Section 36.505(b).
         (b)  A decision by a district on a petition is final and
  appealable pursuant to Section 36.507 on the date of the district
  board's written order approving, modifying, or denying the
  petition.  The district shall not require a motion for rehearing on
  the board action as a prerequisite to filing an appeal under Section
  36.507.  A decision by a district on a petition that directly refers
  the petition to the Texas Water Development Board is final on the
  date of the district's written order, and the decision to directly
  refer the petition is not appealable.
  DEVELOPMENT BOARD.  (a) Within 30 days after the date of a district
  board's written order approving, modifying, denying or directly
  referring a petition, or 30 days after the date a petition is deemed
  denied under Section 36.505(d), the petitioner or any person with a
  legally defined interest in groundwater in the district who
  participated in the hearing may appeal the decision of the district
  board by filing a notice of appeal along with a copy of the petition
  as reviewed by the district board with the Texas Water Development
         (b)  If a district enters an order directly referring a
  petition, the petitioner shall file the petition with the Texas
  Water Development Board. The executive administrator shall
  promptly review the petition and, within 30 days after receipt of a
  petition, the executive administrator shall declare the petition
  administratively complete, or provide the petitioner with notice of
  the deficiencies in the petition.
         (c)  The person filing the appeal, or the petitioner, in the
  case of direct referral, shall provide notice of the Texas Water
  Development Board's review of the petition by appeal or direct
  referral to the petitioner, if the district, and to each person that
  participated in the hearing as identified in the district's order
  under Section 36.506(a) or, if the petition was deemed denied and
  there is no district order, to each person who participated and
  registered at the hearing as required under Section 36.505(b).
         (d)  The Texas Water Development Board shall review the
  petition de novo. On direct referral, or on an appeal by the
  petitioner of the district board's modification or denial of the
  petition, the petitioner shall bear the burden of demonstrating
  that the petition meets the requirements of this subchapter for the
  designation of a zone. If a person other than the petitioner appeals
  the district board's denial of the petition and the petitioner does
  not appeal, the person shall bear the burden of demonstrating that
  the petition meets the requirements of this subchapter for the
  designation of a zone. If a person other than the petitioner
  appeals the district board's modification or approval of the
  petition, the person shall bear the burden of demonstrating that
  the petition as approved does not meet the requirements of this
  subchapter for the designation of a zone.
         (e)  The Texas Water Development Board's review of a petition
  under this section is considered a contested case under Chapter
  2001, Government Code. The executive administrator shall refer an
  appeal directly to the State Office of Administrative Hearings for
  a determination of parties and a contested case hearing. The Texas
  Water Development Board shall issue a final order granting,
  modifying, or denying the petition and including the information
  required of a written order under Section 36.506(a).
         (f)  Any party to a review under this section is entitled to
  judicial review of the Texas Water Development Board's final order
  under the substantial evidence rule.
  designate a brackish groundwater production zone in an area that
  includes more than one district shall be filed with each district
  located over the proposed zone in the manner provided by Section
         (b)  The districts described under Subsection (a) shall:
               (1)  hold a joint hearing on a petition within 90 days
  of receipt of an administratively complete petition in the manner
  provided by Section 36.505;
               (2)  agree in writing that one district shall hold the
  hearing on the petition on behalf of all of the districts; or
               (3)  directly refer a petition to the Texas Water
  Development Board if at least one district adopts a written order
  directly referring the petition.
         (c)  A quorum of the board of directors of each district
  located over the proposed zone is required for a joint hearing under
  this section.
         (d)  The districts located over the proposed zone may enter
  into a cost-sharing agreement to address any technical,
  regulatory, legal, administrative or other issues associated with
  the petition.
         (e)  Each district located over the proposed zone shall
  provide notice of a hearing as provided by Section 36.505. If a
  district is holding a district board meeting at which a district
  board will consider a direct referral of a petition to the Texas
  Water Development Board, the district shall provide written notice
  of the district board meeting to all other districts located over
  the proposed zone and the Texas Water Development Board.
         (f)  The board of directors of each district located over the
  proposed zone shall make a final decision on the designation of the
  zone within 75 days of the date of the hearing conducted under
  Subsection (b), unless the petitioner and each participating
  district agree in writing on another date. A single written order
  that meets the requirements of Section 36.506 must be approved by
  the board of directors of each district located over the zone in
  order to designate a zone under this section. The failure of one or
  more of the districts to approve a single order under this
  subsection, or the approval and issuance of a single order by each
  district to approve, modify, or deny a petition under this
  subsection, may be appealed to the Texas Water Development Board in
  the manner described by Section 36.507.
  PRODUCTION ZONE. (a) Except as specifically provided under this
  subchapter or otherwise provided in the zone designation order, a
  district may adopt rules regulating the drilling, equipping,
  completion, and spacing of wells, production of groundwater, or
  otherwise managing the groundwater resources located in a brackish
  groundwater production zone in any manner authorized under this
  chapter; provided, however, that such rules must not be in conflict
  with the findings of the order designating the zone. However, any
  rules related to well spacing for wells in the zone or limiting the
  rates or amounts of groundwater production from the zone are:
               (1)  not applicable to a permit applicant that was the
  petitioner for the designation of the zone unless the rules related
  to well spacing or production were in effect at the time of the
  designation of the zone; and
               (2)  not applicable to a permit applicant that was not
  the petitioner for the designation of the zone unless the rules
  related to well spacing or production were in effect at the time of
  receipt of the administratively complete permit application by such
  permit applicant.
         (b)  An application for a permit for a well in a brackish
  groundwater production zone shall be consistent with the findings
  in the written order designating the zone under Section 36.506 or
  36.507, as applicable, and the rules of the district as described
  under Subsection (a).
         (c)  The district may impose a reasonable fee under Section
  36.205 for processing an application under this section.
         (d)  A district shall act on an application for a permit for
  a well in a brackish groundwater production zone within 60 days of
  receipt of the application, or as otherwise agreed by the district
  and the petitioner.  The application shall be processed as an
  uncontested application under Subchapter M and shall not be subject
  to a contested case hearing, or may be processed as an application
  for which a hearing is not required under Section 36.114(b).
         (e)  Notwithstanding Section 36.113(d), a district shall
  grant an application for a permit for a well in a brackish
  groundwater production zone if the application is consistent with
  the order designating the zone under Section 36.506 or 36.507, as
  applicable, and the rules of the district as described under
  Subsection (a).
         (f)  A permit issued under this section may be amended
  pursuant to an application by the permittee if the permittee
  demonstrates that the changes to the permit are consistent with the
  written order designating the zone under Sections 36.506 or 36.507.
  A permit may be amended by the district pursuant to Section 36.514.
  PRODUCTION ZONE.  (a) Permits shall authorize the drilling and
  production of water at locations, rates, and amounts that are
  consistent with the written order designating the brackish
  groundwater production zone, and the rules of the district as
  described under Section 36.509(a).
         (b)  Permits in a brackish groundwater production zone shall
  contain a permit term equal to the expected project financing term
  or estimated duration of production for the project contained in
  the zone designation, but no more than 30 years.
         (c)  Permits may require reasonable monitoring of the zone
  and adjacent areas of groundwater reservoirs and subdivisions of
  groundwater reservoirs consistent with the monitoring plan
  contained in the zone designation.
         (d)  Permits may require the filing of drilling logs, and
  periodic reports of withdrawals, aquifer levels, and other
  information from the monitoring plan.
         Sec. 36.511.  NON-APPLICABILITY OF SECTION 36.122 TO
  PRODUCTION; EXPORT FEES.  (a) The production from a well in a
  brackish groundwater production zone is not subject to Section
         (b)  Notwithstanding subsection (a), a district may impose a
  reasonable fee or surcharge under Section 36.122(e) for groundwater
  produced from a brackish groundwater production zone for use
  outside of a district's boundaries.
  subchapter, a district's actions shall be consistent with the
  rights recognized under Section 36.002.
  ZONES.  (a) A brackish groundwater production zone designation
  under this subchapter may only be amended as provided by this
         (b)  A district may initiate an amendment to a brackish
  groundwater production zone to increase or decrease the rates or
  amounts of production of groundwater from the zone, to amend the
  boundaries of the zone, or to change a monitoring or mitigation plan
  applicable to the zone by providing notice and holding a hearing in
  the manner set forth under Section 36.505. A district that
  initiates an amendment to a zone shall bear the burden of proof in
  making the demonstrations required under Section 36.502 and this
  section.  If the district amendment proposes to decrease the rates
  or amounts of production of groundwater from the zone, the district
  must demonstrate that the actual impacts to groundwater resources
  from production within the zone exceed the projected impacts
  included in the written order issued under Section 36.506 or
  36.507, as applicable, that designated the zone, or that there is a
  changed desired future condition that is impacted by production
  from the zone.
         (c)  A person who holds a permit to produce groundwater from
  within the zone or any person with a legally defined interest in
  groundwater in the district may initiate an amendment to a zone to
  increase or decrease the rates or amounts of production of
  groundwater from the zone, to amend the boundaries of the zone, or
  to change a monitoring or mitigation plan applicable to the zone by
  filing a petition with the district in the manner prescribed for
  the original designation of a zone under Section 36.502. The
  petitioner shall bear the burden of proof in making the
  demonstrations required under Section 36.502 and this section. If
  the petition proposes to decrease the rates or amounts of
  production of groundwater from the zone, the petitioner must
  demonstrate that the actual impacts to groundwater resources from
  production within the zone exceed the projected impacts included
  in the written order issued under Section 36.506 or 36.507, as
  applicable, that designated the zone, or that there is a changed
  desired future condition that is impacted by production from the
         (d)  A person who holds a permit to produce groundwater from
  within the zone or any person with a legally defined interest in
  groundwater in the district may appeal the decision of the district
  board to amend a zone under Subsections (b) or (c) to the Texas
  Water Development Board in the manner prescribed under Section
  PERMITS IN A ZONE. (a) A district may amend a well permit in a
  brackish groundwater production zone to change the amount or rate
  of production, or change the monitoring or mitigation plan, only if
  the designation of the zone is amended under Section 36.513 or by
  written agreement between the district and the permit holder.  Any
  amendment to a permit must be consistent with the amendment to the
  zone and may not reduce the rates or amounts of groundwater produced
  under the permit to a level lower than necessary to be consistent
  with the amended zone designation.
         (b)  A district may not amend an existing permit to produce
  groundwater from a zone because of a change in a desired future
  condition established under Section 36.108 that may be affected by
  production from the zone, even if the zone is amended under Section
  36.513.  In such instances, the district may reduce production
  through permit renewal after expiration of the original permit term
  and only to an amount consistent with achievement of the desired
  future condition and the applicable effective findings related to
  the zone designation at the time the permit expires.
         (c)  A district may not amend an existing permit to produce
  groundwater from a zone during the term of the permit because of an
  amendment to increase or decrease the size of a zone, or to
  undesignate a previously designated zone.
         (d)  During the pendency of an amendment to a brackish
  groundwater production zone, an existing permit holder may continue
  to produce groundwater under the terms of the existing permit until
  the permit has been amended after a final decision on the amendment
  to the zone has been issued by the district under Section 36.506,
  or if the decision of the district is appealed, until a final
  decision has been issued by the Texas Water Development Board under
  Section 36.507.
         (e)  A district may not by rule or an amendment to a rule
  reduce the amount or rate of groundwater that may be produced under
  an existing permit to produce groundwater from a zone in a manner
  that the district would not be authorized to reduce by permit
  amendment under this section.
  DISTRICT OR THROUGH JOINT PLANNING.  (a) Nothing in this subchapter
  shall be construed to prohibit:
               (1)  a district, on its own initiative, from managing
  the groundwater resources as authorized by this chapter in a
  groundwater reservoir, subdivision of a groundwater reservoir, or
  area of a groundwater reservoir or subdivision of a groundwater
  reservoir described by Section 36.501(b); or
               (2)  the establishment of a desired future condition
  through the joint planning process described under Section 36.108
  for a groundwater reservoir, subdivision of a groundwater
  reservoir, or area of a groundwater reservoir or subdivision of a
  groundwater reservoir described by Section 36.501(b).
         (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a), a person may petition a
  district or districts for the designation of a brackish groundwater
  production zone in the manner prescribed by this subchapter
  regardless of whether:
               (1)  a district is already managing all or part of the
  groundwater resources located in the proposed zone; or
               (2)  there is a desired future condition adopted for
  all or part of the groundwater resources located within the
  proposed zone.
  This subchapter does not affect the exemptions related to
  hydrocarbon activities as set forth under Section 36.117.
         (b)  In order to promote the utilization of brackish
  groundwater resources, a district may establish special rules that
  are less restrictive administratively or with regard to the amount
  of groundwater that can be produced from a groundwater reservoir,
  subdivision of a groundwater reservoir, or area of a groundwater
  reservoir or subdivision of a groundwater reservoir that contains
  brackish groundwater than the district's rules are with respect to
  the administration, management, and production of non-brackish
  groundwater resources for any beneficial purpose of use, including
  use related to activities associated with the drilling,
  exploration, or production of hydrocarbons.
         (c)  A district may not adopt rules under this section that
  are more restrictive on a person producing groundwater for
  activities related to the drilling, exploration, or production of
  hydrocarbons than on a person producing groundwater for other
  purposes of use, but may adopt rules that are less restrictive.
         Sec. 36.517.  MANDAMUS. A district court in in a court of
  competent jurisdiction in any county in which the district or any
  part of the district is located may issue a writ of mandamus to
  compel a district to perform the following:
         (a)  act on a petition for designation of a brackish
  groundwater production zone within the times frames established in
  Section 36.504; or
         (b)  issue a permit for a well located in a brackish
  groundwater production zone pursuant to Section 36.508 based on an
  application that is consistent with the designation of the
  brackish groundwater production zone and the rules of the district
  as described under Section 36.509(a).
         Sec. 36.518.  CONFLICTS WITH OTHER SUBCHAPTERS.  If a
  provision in this subchapter conflicts with a provision of another
  subchapter under this chapter, the provision in this subchapter
         SECTION 12.  No later than January 1, 2016, the Texas Water
  Development Board shall adopt rules to implement the changes in law
  to Chapters 16 and 36, Water Code, as amended by this Act.
         SECTION 13.  This Act takes effect immediately if it
  receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each
  house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  
  If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate
  effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2015.