84R2192 TSR-D
  By: Lucio III H.B. No. 1062
  relating to authorizing a fee for county records technology and
  infrastructure costs in certain counties.
         SECTION 1.  Section 118.011(f), Local Government Code, as
  effective until September 1, 2019, is amended to read as follows:
         (f)  The county clerk of a county shall, if the commissioners
  court of the county adopts the fee as part of the county's annual
  budget, collect the following fee from any person:
               (1)  Records Archive Fee (Sec. 118.025) . . . . . . .
  not more than $10
               (2)  Records Technology and Infrastructure Fee (Sec.
  118.026) . . . . . . . $2.00
         SECTION 2.  Section 118.011(f), Local Government Code, as
  effective September 1, 2019, is amended to read as follows:
         (f)  The county clerk of a county shall, if the commissioners
  court of the county adopts the fee as part of the county's annual
  budget, collect the following fee from any person:
               (1)  Records Archive Fee (Sec. 118.025) . . . . . . .
  not more than $5
               (2)  Records Technology and Infrastructure Fee (Sec.
  118.026) . . . . . . . $2.00
         SECTION 3.  Subchapter B, Chapter 118, Local Government
  Code, is amended by adding Section 118.026 to read as follows:
  INFRASTRUCTURE IN CERTAIN COUNTIES. (a)  The commissioners court
  of a county that borders the United Mexican States and the Gulf of
  Mexico may adopt a records technology and infrastructure fee as
  part of the county's annual budget.  The fee must be set and
  itemized in the county's budget as part of the budget preparation
         (b)  The fee must be paid at the time a person pays a fee
  under Section 118.0216 or, if applicable, Section 118.025.
         (c)  The fee shall be deposited in a separate records
  technology and infrastructure account in the general fund of the
  county. Any interest accrued remains with the account.
         (d)  The funds generated from the collection of a fee under
  this section may be used only for technology and infrastructure for
  the maintenance of county records and the operation of the county
  records system.
         (e)  The fee is subject to approval by the commissioners
  court in a public meeting during the budget process.
         SECTION 4.  Section 118.052, Local Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 118.052.  FEE SCHEDULE.  Each clerk of a county court
  shall collect the following fees for services rendered to any
               (1)  CIVIL COURT ACTIONS
                     (A)  Filing of Original Action (Sec. 118.053):
                           (i)  Garnishment after judgment . . . $15.00
                           (ii)  All others . . . $40.00
                     (B)  Filing of Action Other than Original (Sec.
  118.054) . . . $30.00
                     (C)  Services Rendered After Judgment in Original
  Action (Sec. 118.0545):
                           (i)  Abstract of judgment . . . $ 5.00
                           (ii)  Execution, order of sale, writ, or
  other process . . . $ 5.00
               (2)  PROBATE COURT ACTIONS
                     (A)  Probate Original Action (Sec. 118.055):
                           (i)  Probate of a will with independent
  executor, administration with will attached, administration of an
  estate, guardianship or receivership of an estate, or muniment of
  title . . . $40.00
                           (ii)  Community survivors . . . $40.00
                           (iii)  Small estates . . . $40.00
                           (iv)  Declarations of heirship . . . $40.00
                           (v)  Mental health or chemical dependency
  services . . . $40.00
                           (vi)  Additional, special fee (Sec. 118.064)
  . . . $ 5.00
                     (B)  Services in Pending Probate Action (Sec.
                           (i)  Filing an inventory and appraisement as
  provided by Section 118.056(d) . . . $25.00
                           (ii)  Approving and recording bond . . .
  $ 3.00
                           (iii)  Administering oath . . . $ 2.00
                           (iv)  Filing annual or final account of
  estate . . . $25.00
                           (v)  Filing application for sale of real or
  personal property . . . $25.00
                           (vi)  Filing annual or final report of
  guardian of a person . . . $10.00
                           (vii)  Filing a document not listed under
  this paragraph after the filing of an order approving the inventory
  and appraisement or after the 120th day after the date of the
  initial filing of the action, whichever occurs first, if more than
  25 pages . . . $25.00
                     (C)  Adverse Probate Action (Sec. 118.057) . . .
                     (D)  Claim Against Estate (Sec. 118.058) . . .
  $ 2.00
                     (E)  Supplemental Court-Initiated Guardianship
  Fee in Probate Original Actions and Adverse Probate Actions (Sec.
  118.067) . . . $20.00
                     (F)  Supplemental Public Probate Administrator
  Fee For Counties That Have Appointed a Public Probate Administrator
  (Sec. 118.068) . . . $10.00
               (3)  OTHER FEES
                     (A)  Issuing Document (Sec. 118.059):
                     original document and one copy . . . $ 4.00
                     each additional set of an original and one copy
  . . . $ 4.00
                     (B)  Certified Papers (Sec. 118.060):
                     for the clerk's certificate . . . $ 5.00
                     plus a fee per page or part of a page of . . .
  $ 1.00
                     (C)  Noncertified Papers (Sec. 118.0605):
                     for each page or part of a page . . . $ 1.00
                     (D)  Letters Testamentary, Letter of
  Guardianship, Letter of Administration, or Abstract of Judgment
  (Sec. 118.061) . . . $ 2.00
                     (E)  Safekeeping of Wills (Sec. 118.062) . . .
  $ 5.00
                     (F)  Mail Service of Process (Sec. 118.063) . . .
  same as sheriff
                     (G)  Records Management and Preservation Fee
  . . . $ 5.00
                     (H)  Records Technology and Infrastructure Fee if
  authorized by the commissioners court of the county (Sec. 118.026)
  . . . $ 2.00
         SECTION 5.  Subchapter C, Chapter 118, Local Government
  Code, is amended by adding Section 118.069 to read as follows:
  INFRASTRUCTURE. If adopted by the commissioners court under
  Section 118.026, the clerk of a county court shall collect the
  records technology and infrastructure fee at the time a person pays
  a fee under Section 118.0546 or 118.0645 and shall deposit the fee
  in the records technology and infrastructure account under Section
         SECTION 6.  Section 118.101, Local Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 118.101.  FEE SCHEDULE. The county judge shall collect
  the following fees in probate matters:
               (1)  Probate of a will$2.00
               (2)  Granting letters testamentary, letter of
  guardianship, or letter of administration$2.00
               (3)  Order of sale$2.00
               (4)  Approval and confirmation of sale$2.00
               (5)  Decree refusing order of sale or confirmation of
               (6)  Decree of partition and distribution$2.00
               (7)  Decree approving or setting aside the report of a
  commissioner of partition and distribution$2.00
               (8)  Decree removing an executor, administrator or
  guardian (with the fee to be paid by that executor, administrator,
  or guardian)$1.00
               (9)  Fiat or certificate$2.00
               (10)  Continuance$0.10
               (11)  Orders for which another fee is not
               (12)  Administering oath or affirmation with
  certificate and seal$2.00
               (13)  Administering oath or affirmation without
  certificate and seal$0.25
               (14)  Records technology and infrastructure, if
  authorized by the commissioners court of the county$2.00
         SECTION 7.  Subchapter D, Chapter 118, Local Government
  Code, is amended by adding Section 118.102 to read as follows:
  INFRASTRUCTURE. If adopted by the commissioners court under
  Section 118.026, the county judge shall collect the records
  technology and infrastructure fee at the time a person pays a fee
  for probate matters under Section 118.101 and shall deposit the fee
  in the records technology and infrastructure account under Section
         SECTION 8.  Section 103.030, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  GOVERNMENT CODE.  Fees and costs shall be paid or collected under
  the Local Government Code as follows:
               (1)  services by the offices of the sheriff and
  constables (Sec. 118.131, Local Government Code) . . . amount set
  by county commissioners court;
               (2)  a filing fee or recording fee for each page of a
  legal paper presented for filing or recording that fails to meet
  certain requirements regarding paper size, weight, substance,
  headings, legibility, the presence of typed or printed names under
  each signature, and number and size of riders or attachments (Sec.
  191.007, Local Government Code) . . . twice the regular filing fee
  or recording fee provided by statute for that page, rider, or
               (3)  a processing fee as authorized by the
  commissioners court for the payment by credit card of a fee, court
  cost, or other charge processed by a county or precinct officer
  (Secs. 132.002 and 132.003, Local Government Code) . . . an amount
  reasonably related to the expense incurred by the county or
  precinct officer but not to exceed five percent of the amount of the
  fee, court cost, or other charge being paid;
               (4)  a processing fee as authorized by the governing
  body of the municipality for the payment by credit card of a fee,
  court cost, or other charge processed by a municipal official
  (Secs. 132.002 and 132.003, Local Government Code) . . . an amount
  reasonably related to the expense incurred by the municipal
  official but not to exceed five percent of the amount of the fee,
  court cost, or other charge being paid;
               (5)  a handling fee, if authorized by the commissioners
  court under Section 132.002, Local Government Code, for
  electronically processing the payment of a fee, fine, court cost,
  or other charge (Secs. 132.002 and 132.003, Local Government Code):
                     (A)  charged at a flat rate that does not exceed $5
  for each payment transaction; or
                     (B)  charged at a rate reasonably related to the
  expense incurred in processing a payment and that does not exceed
  five percent of the amount of the fee, court cost, or other charge
  being paid; [and]
               (6)  a fee, if authorized by the commissioners court,
  collected by a county or precinct officer on behalf of the county
  from a person making payment by credit card of a fee, court cost, or
  other charge (Sec. 132.003, Local Government Code) . . . an amount
  equal to the amount of any transaction fee charged to the county by
  a vendor providing services in connection with payments made by
  credit card; and
               (7)  a records technology and infrastructure fee, if
  authorized by the commissioners court of the county (Secs. 118.026,
  118.069, and 118.102, Local Government Code) . . . $2.00.
         SECTION 9.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2015.