84R4909 PMO-F
  By: Smithee H.B. No. 1433
  relating to prompt payment of health care claims, including payment
  for immunizations, vaccines, and serums.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter A, Chapter 16, Civil Practice and
  Remedies Code, is amended by adding Section 16.013 to read as
         Sec. 16.013.  PROMPT PAYMENT OF HEALTH CARE CLAIMS. A person
  must bring a suit for failure to pay a clean claim in accordance
  with Subchapter J, Chapter 843, or Subchapter C, Chapter 1301,
  Insurance Code, not later than two years after the day the cause of
  action accrues. The cause of action accrues on the latest date
  provided by the applicable subchapter for determining whether the
  claim is payable and making the appropriate payment or
         SECTION 2.  Section 843.337(a), Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  A physician or provider must submit a claim for health
  care services to a health maintenance organization not later than
  the 95th day after the date the physician or provider provides the
  health care services for which the claim is made. A health
  maintenance organization shall accept as proof of timely filing:
               (1)  a claim filed in compliance with Subsection (e);
               (2)  information from another health maintenance
  organization or any insurer authorized or eligible to engage in the
  business of insurance in this state showing that the physician or
  provider submitted the claim for health care services to the health
  maintenance organization or insurer in compliance with Subsection
         SECTION 3.  Sections 843.342(a), (b), (d), and (e),
  Insurance Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by this section, if a clean claim
  submitted to a health maintenance organization is payable and the
  health maintenance organization does not determine under this
  subchapter that the claim is payable and pay the claim on or before
  the date the health maintenance organization is required to make a
  determination or adjudication of the claim, the health maintenance
  organization shall pay the physician or provider making the claim
  the contracted rate owed on the claim plus a penalty in the amount
  of the lesser of:
               (1)  50 percent of the difference between the billed
  charges, as submitted on the claim, and the contracted rate; or
               (2)  $5,000 [$100,000].
         (b)  If the claim is paid on or after the 46th day and before
  the 91st day after the date the health maintenance organization is
  required to make a determination or adjudication of the claim, the
  health maintenance organization shall pay a penalty in the amount
  of the lesser of:
               (1)  100 percent of the difference between the billed
  charges, as submitted on the claim, and the contracted rate; or
               (2)  $10,000 [$200,000].
         (d)  Except as provided by this section, a health maintenance
  organization that determines under this subchapter that a claim is
  payable, pays only a portion of the amount of the claim on or before
  the date the health maintenance organization is required to make a
  determination or adjudication of the claim, and pays the balance of
  the contracted rate owed for the claim after that date shall pay to
  the physician or provider, in addition to the contracted amount
  owed, a penalty on the amount not timely paid in the amount of the
  lesser of:
               (1)  50 percent of the underpaid amount; or
               (2)  $5,000 [$100,000].
         (e)  If the balance of the claim is paid on or after the 46th
  day and before the 91st day after the date the health maintenance
  organization is required to make a determination or adjudication of
  the claim, the health maintenance organization shall pay a penalty
  on the balance of the claim in the amount of the lesser of:
               (1)  100 percent of the underpaid amount; or
               (2)  $10,000 [$200,000].
         SECTION 4.  Subchapter J, Chapter 843, Insurance Code, is
  amended by adding Section 843.3421 to read as follows:
         Sec. 843.3421.  PAYMENT APPEAL DEADLINE. If a contract
  between a health maintenance organization and a physician or
  provider directly or indirectly requires that a contractual dispute
  regarding a post-service payment denial or payment dispute be
  appealed, the health maintenance organization may not impose a
  deadline for filing the appeal that is less than 180 days after the
  earlier of:
               (1)  the date of the initial payment or denial notice;
               (2)  the latest date for making a payment or
  notification with respect to the claim under this subchapter.
         SECTION 5.  Subchapter J, Chapter 843, Insurance Code, is
  amended by adding Section 843.355 to read as follows:
  SERUMS. (a) A contract between a health maintenance organization
  and a physician or provider must disclose the source of the
  information used to calculate a fee payment for an immunization,
  vaccine, or serum. The information must be made readily accessible
  to the physician or provider, and the contract must include an
  explanation of how the physician or provider may access the
         (b)  Notwithstanding Section 843.321(a)(3), a health
  maintenance organization is not required to notify a physician or
  provider, and a contract between a health maintenance organization
  and a physician or provider may not directly or indirectly require
  the health maintenance organization to notify the physician or
  provider, before a change in a fee payment described by Subsection
  (a) takes effect if the payment change results from a change in
  information described by Subsection (a), the source of which is a
  third party not controlled by the health maintenance organization,
  such as the Centers for Disease Control Vaccine Price List.
         (c)  A contract between a health maintenance organization
  and a physician or provider must require the health maintenance
  organization to provide notice of a change of a source of
  information described by Subsection (a) used to calculate the fee
  payment for an immunization, vaccine, or serum not later than the
  90th day before the date the change of source takes effect.
         SECTION 6.  Section 1301.102(c), Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (c)  An insurer shall accept as proof of timely filing of a
  claim for medical care or health care services:
               (1)  a claim filed in compliance with Subsection (b); 
               (2)  information from any [another] insurer authorized
  or eligible to engage in the business of insurance in this state or
  health maintenance organization showing that the physician or
  health care provider submitted the claim for medical care or health
  care services to the insurer or health maintenance organization in
  compliance with Subsection (b).
         SECTION 7.  Sections 1301.137(a), (b), (d), and (e),
  Insurance Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by this section, if a clean claim
  submitted to an insurer is payable and the insurer does not
  determine under Subchapter C that the claim is payable and pay the
  claim on or before the date the insurer is required to make a
  determination or adjudication of the claim, the insurer shall pay
  the preferred provider making the claim the contracted rate owed on
  the claim plus a penalty in the amount of the lesser of:
               (1)  50 percent of the difference between the billed
  charges, as submitted on the claim, and the contracted rate; or
               (2)  $5,000 [$100,000].
         (b)  If the claim is paid on or after the 46th day and before
  the 91st day after the date the insurer is required to make a
  determination or adjudication of the claim, the insurer shall pay a
  penalty in the amount of the lesser of:
               (1)  100 percent of the difference between the billed
  charges, as submitted on the claim, and the contracted rate; or
               (2)  $10,000 [$200,000].
         (d)  Except as provided by this section, an insurer that
  determines under Subchapter C that a claim is payable, pays only a
  portion of the amount of the claim on or before the date the insurer
  is required to make a determination or adjudication of the claim,
  and pays the balance of the contracted rate owed for the claim after
  that date shall pay to the preferred provider, in addition to the
  contracted amount owed, a penalty on the amount not timely paid in
  the amount of the lesser of:
               (1)  50 percent of the underpaid amount; or
               (2)  $5,000 [$100,000].
         (e)  If the balance of the claim is paid on or after the 46th
  day and before the 91st day after the date the insurer is required
  to make a determination or adjudication of the claim, the insurer
  shall pay a penalty on the balance of the claim in the amount of the
  lesser of:
               (1)  100 percent of the underpaid amount; or
               (2)  $10,000 [$200,000].
         SECTION 8.  Subchapter C-1, Chapter 1301, Insurance Code, is
  amended by adding Section 1301.1371 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1301.1371.  PAYMENT APPEAL DEADLINE. If a contract
  between an insurer and a preferred provider directly or indirectly
  requires that a contractual dispute regarding a post-service
  payment denial or payment dispute be appealed, the insurer may not
  impose a deadline for filing the appeal that is less than 180 days
  after the earlier of:
               (1)  the date of the initial payment or denial notice;
               (2)  the latest date for making a payment or
  notification with respect to the claim under Subchapter C.
         SECTION 9.  Subchapter C-1, Chapter 1301, Insurance Code, is
  amended by adding Section 1301.140 to read as follows:
  SERUMS. (a) A contract between an insurer and a preferred provider
  must disclose the source of the information used to calculate a fee
  payment for an immunization, vaccine, or serum. The information
  must be made readily accessible to the preferred provider, and the
  contract must include an explanation of how the preferred provider
  may access the information.
         (b)  Notwithstanding Section 1301.136(a)(3), an insurer is
  not required to notify a preferred provider, and a contract between
  an insurer and a preferred provider may not directly or indirectly
  require the insurer to notify the preferred provider, before a
  change in a fee payment described by Subsection (a) takes effect if
  the payment change results from a change in information described
  by Subsection (a), the source of which is a third party not
  controlled by the insurer, such as the Centers for Disease Control
  Vaccine Price List.
         (c)  A contract between an insurer and a preferred provider
  must require the insurer to provide notice of a change of a source
  of information described by Subsection (a) used to calculate the
  fee payment for an immunization, vaccine, or serum not later than
  the 90th day before the date the change takes effect. 
         SECTION 10.  Sections 843.342(m) and 1301.137(l), Insurance
  Code, are repealed.
         SECTION 11.  It is the intent of the legislature that Section
  16.013, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, as added by this Act,
  applies only to a personal cause of action and does not limit or
  modify the jurisdiction and authority of the commissioner of
  insurance to enforce the prompt payment requirements of Chapters
  843 and 1301, Insurance Code.
         SECTION 12.  (a) Section 16.013, Civil Practice and
  Remedies Code, as added by this Act, applies only to a cause of
  action arising from a claim submitted on or after the effective date
  of this Act. A cause of action arising from a claim submitted
  before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law
  applicable to the claim immediately before the effective date of
  this Act, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c) of this section,
  Sections 843.337, 843.342, 1301.102, and 1301.137, Insurance Code,
  as amended by this Act, apply only to a claim submitted on or after
  the effective date of this Act. A claim submitted before the
  effective date of this Act is governed by the law as it existed
  immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that law is
  continued in effect for that purpose.
         (c)  With respect to a claim submitted under a contract with
  a health maintenance organization or insurer, Sections 843.337,
  843.342, 1301.102, and 1301.137, Insurance Code, as amended by this
  Act, apply only to a claim submitted under a contract entered into
  or renewed on or after the effective date of this Act.  A claim
  submitted under a contract entered into or renewed before the
  effective date of this Act is governed by the law as it existed
  immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that law is
  continued in effect for that purpose.
         (d)  Sections 843.3421, 843.355, 1301.1371, and 1301.140,
  Insurance Code, as added by this Act, apply only to a contract
  entered into or renewed on or after the effective date of this Act.
  A contract entered into or renewed before the effective date of this
  Act is governed by the law as it existed immediately before the
  effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for
  that purpose.
         SECTION 13.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2015.