84R6850 KKA-D
  By: Meyer H.B. No. 1479
  relating to the equalized wealth level and the guaranteed yield
  under the school finance system.
         SECTION 1.  Section 41.002(a), Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  A school district may not have a wealth per student that
               (1)  the wealth per student that generates the amount
  of maintenance and operations tax revenue per weighted student
  available to a district with maintenance and operations tax revenue
  per cent of tax effort equal to the maximum amount provided per cent
  under Section 42.101(a) or (b), for the district's maintenance and
  operations tax effort equal to or less than the rate equal to the
  product of the state compression percentage, as determined under
  Section 42.2516, multiplied by the maintenance and operations tax
  rate adopted by the district for the 2005 tax year;
               (2)  the wealth per student that generates the amount
  of maintenance and operations tax revenue per weighted student
  available to the Austin Independent School District, as determined
  by the commissioner in cooperation with the Legislative Budget
  Board, for the first eight [six] cents by which the district's
  maintenance and operations tax rate exceeds the rate equal to the
  product of the state compression percentage, as determined under
  Section 42.2516, multiplied by the maintenance and operations tax
  rate adopted by the district for the 2005 tax year, subject to
  Section 41.093(b-1); or
               (3)  $319,500, for the district's maintenance and
  operations tax effort that exceeds the first eight [six] cents by
  which the district's maintenance and operations tax effort exceeds
  the rate equal to the product of the state compression percentage,
  as determined under Section 42.2516, multiplied by the maintenance
  and operations tax rate adopted by the district for the 2005 tax
         SECTION 2.  Section 41.093(b-1), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (b-1)  If the guaranteed level of state and local funds per
  weighted student per cent of tax effort under Section
  42.302(a-1)(1) for which state funds are appropriated for a school
  year is an amount at least equal to the amount of revenue per
  weighted student per cent of tax effort available to the Austin
  Independent School District, as determined by the commissioner in
  cooperation with the Legislative Budget Board, the commissioner, in
  computing the amounts described by Subsections (a)(1) and (2) and
  determining the cost of an attendance credit, shall exclude
  maintenance and operations tax revenue resulting from the first
  eight [six] cents by which a district's maintenance and operations
  tax rate exceeds the rate equal to the product of the state
  compression percentage, as determined under Section 42.2516,
  multiplied by the maintenance and operations tax rate adopted by
  the district for the 2005 tax year.
         SECTION 3.  Section 42.302(a-1), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a-1)  [In this section, "wealth per student" has the meaning
  assigned by Section 41.001.]  For purposes of Subsection (a), the
  dollar amount guaranteed level of state and local funds per
  weighted student per cent of tax effort ("GL") for a school district
               (1)  the greater of  the amount of district tax revenue
  per weighted student per cent of tax effort that would be available
  to the Austin Independent School District, as determined by the
  commissioner in cooperation with the Legislative Budget Board, if
  the reduction of the limitation on tax increases as provided by
  Section 11.26(a-1), (a-2), or (a-3), Tax Code, did not apply, or the
  amount of district tax revenue per weighted student per cent of tax
  effort used for purposes of this subdivision in the preceding
  school year, for the first eight [six] cents by which the district's
  maintenance and operations tax rate exceeds the rate equal to the
  product of the state compression percentage, as determined under
  Section 42.2516, multiplied by the maintenance and operations tax
  rate adopted by the district for the 2005 tax year; and
               (2)  $31.95, for the district's maintenance and
  operations tax effort that exceeds the amount of tax effort
  described by Subdivision (1).
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2015.