84R5989 GCB-F
  By: Kuempel H.B. No. 1830
  relating to the regulation and permitting of amusement redemption
  game rooms; authorizing fees; creating a civil penalty and criminal
         SECTION 1.  Section 234.131, Local Government Code, as added
  by Chapter 1284 (H.B. 2123), Acts of the 83rd Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2013, is amended by adding Subdivisions (1-a), (1-b),
  (1-c), (5), (6), (7), and (8) to read as follows:
               (1-a)  "Applicant" means a person, owner, corporation,
  partnership, or other business entity required to submit a game
  room application.
               (1-b)  "Current fire inspection report" means a fire
  inspection report issued by a fire department not earlier than the
  60th day immediately preceding the date an application for issuance
  or renewal of a game room is filed.
               (1-c)  "Gambling device" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 47.01, Penal Code.
               (5)  "Peace officer" has the meaning assigned by
  Article 2.12, Code of Criminal Procedure.
               (6)  "Public building" means a building used by
  federal, state, or local government that is open to the general
               (7)  "Regulation" means a regulation adopted by a
  county in this state for the operation of a game room.
               (8)  "School" means a facility, including all attached
  playgrounds, dormitories, stadiums, and other appurtenances that
  are part of the facility, used for the primary purpose of
  instruction or education, including primary or secondary schools,
  colleges, and universities, both public and private.
         SECTION 2.  Section 234.134, Local Government Code, as added
  by Chapter 1284 (H.B. 2123), Acts of the 83rd Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2013, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 234.134.  [LICENSES OR] PERMITS. (a)  A county may
  require that an owner or operator of a game room obtain a [license
  or] permit or renew a [license or] permit on a periodic basis to own
  or operate a game room in the county.  An application for a [license
  or] permit must be made in accordance with regulations adopted by
  the county.
         (b)  Regulations adopted under this section may provide for
  the denial, suspension, or revocation of a [license or] permit.
         (c)  A district court has jurisdiction of a suit that arises
  from the denial, suspension, or revocation of a [license or other]
  permit by a county.
         SECTION 3.  Subchapter E, Chapter 234, Local Government
  Code, as added by Chapter 1284 (H.B. 2123), Acts of the 83rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2013, is amended by adding Sections
  234.1341 and 234.1342 to read as follows:
         Sec. 234.1341.  PERMIT APPLICATION. (a) An owner or
  operator of a game room may not operate, use, or maintain any game
  room in a county that requires an owner or operator to obtain a
  permit under Section 234.134 unless the owner or operator holds a
  permit issued under this subchapter.
         (b)  An applicant shall file a completed application with the
  county sheriff's office of the county in which the proposed game
  room will be located.  The application shall be filed on the form
  provided by the office or on an accurate and legible copy of that
  form.  The applicant must apply in person at the office.
         (c)  The sheriff's office shall post a copy of the
  application form and the permit fee amount on the county's Internet
  website.  The office shall establish the hours for submission of
  applications under this section.
         (d)  The game room administrator of the sheriff's office
  shall mail notice of receipt of a completed application or notice of
  deficiencies in an application to the applicant not later than the
  10th day after the date the application is received by the office.
         (e)  Each application must be accompanied by:
               (1)  an annual inspection report showing compliance
  with any correction ordered by the sheriff's office or a fire safety
               (2)  a copy of the certification of occupancy or
  certification of compliance issued by the building official as
  appropriate for the proposed game room;
               (3)  a diagram or floor plan that is prepared by a
  licensed architect or engineer, includes designed occupancy load,
  and is reviewed by the county clerk;
               (4)  for a game room operating under an assumed name, a
  copy of the assumed name certificate filed in the county clerk's
  office that includes the file mark or stamp evidencing its filing;
               (5)  a nonrefundable application fee in the amount
  established by the county commissioners court; and
               (6)  a copy of the applicant's government-issued photo
         (f)  An applicant's failure to provide the information or
  documents or pay the fee required by this section or a determination
  by the sheriff's office that inaccurate, erroneous, or incomplete
  information has been submitted is grounds for denial or revocation
  of the application.
         Sec. 234.1342.  PERMIT RENEWAL. (a) A permit holder may
  annually renew the permit not earlier than 60 days before the date a
  permit expires by filing a completed application for the permit
  with the game room permit administrator of the sheriff's office and
  paying the applicable fee. A renewal application is subject to the
  same requirements as a permit application.
         (b)  If the sheriff's office denies a game room permit, the
  office shall give the applicant written notice of the basis for
         SECTION 4.  Section 234.135, Local Government Code, as added
  by Chapter 1284 (H.B. 2123), Acts of the 83rd Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2013, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 234.135.  FEES; ISSUANCE OF PERMIT; PREMISES
  REQUIREMENTS. (a) A county may impose a fee not to exceed $1,000 on
  an applicant for a [license or] permit or for the renewal of the
  [license or] permit required under this subchapter. The fee must be
  based on the cost of processing the application and investigating
  the applicant.
         (b)  An applicant shall pay the permit fees imposed under
  this section to the sheriff's office. On completion of the
  application process, the game room administrator of the sheriff's
  office shall give the applicant a signed receipt. The receipt
  constitutes a permit to operate the game room until the first
  anniversary of the date the permit is issued.
         (c)  A person who holds a permit issued under this section
  must meet and comply with all requirements of law applicable to the
  game room premises or any activity conducted on the game room
  premises. The issuance of a permit under this section does not
  excuse the permit holder, the permit holder's agents or employees,
  or any patrons of the game room for a violation of this subchapter
  or other law.
         SECTION 5.  Section 234.136, Local Government Code, as added
  by Chapter 1284 (H.B. 2123), Acts of the 83rd Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2013, is amended to read as follows:
  (a)  A peace officer or county employee may inspect a business in
  the county to determine the number of amusement redemption machines
  subject to regulation under this subchapter that are located on the
  premises of the business. A peace officer is authorized to inspect
  any business for a violation of this subchapter. This section does
  not authorize a right of entry otherwise prohibited by law. A peace
  officer may enter a business under this section with consent, with a
  warrant, or under exigent circumstances. A game room permit granted
  under this subchapter gives peace officers implied consent under
  this section to enter the premises of the game room.
         (a-1)  A business for which a game room permit has not been
  issued under this subchapter that holds itself out as a game room,
  by sign, advertisement, word-of-mouth, offering of memberships, or
  any other means, is subject to inspection by a peace officer.
  Refusal to allow a peace officer entry to inspect the premises of
  the game room may be considered in establishing probable cause for
  the issuance of a search warrant to inspect for violations of this
         (b)  A peace officer or county employee may inspect any
  business in which six or more amusement redemption machines are
  located to determine whether the business is in compliance with
  this subchapter or regulations adopted under this subchapter or to
  inspect records required under Section 234.1362.
         (c)  A person violates this subchapter if the person fails to
  allow a peace officer or county employee to conduct an inspection of
  a game room, an amusement redemption machine, or records required 
  under Section 234.1362 or this section.
         SECTION 6.  Subchapter E, Chapter 234, Local Government
  Code, as added by Chapter 1284 (H.B. 2123), Acts of the 83rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2013, is amended by adding Sections
  234.1361, 234.1362, 234.1363, 234.1364, 234.1365, 234.1366, and
  234.1367 to read as follows:
         Sec. 234.1361.  DISPLAY OF GAME ROOM PERMITS. An owner or
  operator of a game room shall display a current game room permit on
  the game room premises.  The permit must be displayed in plain sight
  in a common area accessible to the public without entrance to a
  controlled area of the business.
         Sec. 234.1362.  RECORDS REQUIRED. (a)  An owner or operator
  of a game room shall maintain on the premises:
               (1)  a record for each employee that includes:
                     (A)  the employee's name, address, date of birth,
  state identification number or social security number, job
  function, and W-2 or W-4 form;
                     (B)  a copy of the employee's application to work
  with the game room and a copy of the employee's I-9 filed for
  employment eligibility verification with the Department of
  Homeland Security; and
                     (C)  a photograph of the employee;
               (2)  a daily register that includes the name, date of
  birth, state identification number or social security number, and
  job function of each employee present at the establishment that
  day; and
               (3)  a copy of the county and state tax record forms for
  each amusement redemption machine on the premises that includes the
  name of the manufacturer, the serial number, the type of machine,
  and the serial number of the tax permit for a coin-operated machine
  and, if applicable, the serial number for the county tax permit,
  with the year of expiration for any tax permit.
         (b)  An owner or operator who violates Subsection (a) shall
  be assessed a civil penalty of not more than $10,000 for each record
  required under this section that is missing.
         (c)  The game room shall preserve the daily register required
  by Subsection (a)(2) for at least 90 days after the date the
  register was made. An owner or operator who violates this
  subsection may be assessed an administrative penalty in the amount
  of $500 for each register required to be preserved that is missing.
         Sec. 234.1363.  PROHIBITED EMPLOYMENT. (a) An owner or
  operator of a game room may not knowingly employ any person who has
  been previously convicted of, or entered a plea of nolo contendere
  or guilty or received deferred adjudication for, an offense
  involving any conduct involving gambling violations prohibited
  under Chapter 47, Penal Code.
         (b)  An owner or operator of a game room shall conduct a
  criminal background check on each potential employee.
         (c)  Failure to comply with this section is a violation and
  punishable by a civil penalty assessed against an owner or operator
  not to exceed $10,000 per prohibited employee working at the game
  room and per employee working at the game room without being
  subjected to a criminal background check.
         (d)  Each day a violation of this section continues or occurs
  constitutes a separate violation for purposes of imposing a penalty
  under Section 234.137.
  VIOLATIONS. (a) An owner or operator of a game room shall obtain
  from the county a permit for each amusement redemption machine on
  the game room premises in accordance with Chapter 2153, Occupations
         (b)  The owner or operator of a game room shall pay an annual
  fee in an amount equal to 25 percent of the state's annual fee per
         (c)  Each amusement redemption machine permit application
  shall specify on the application the physical location of the
  amusement redemption machine.
         (d)  If a permit is not obtained for an amusement redemption
  machine, the county tax assessor-collector's office shall lock the
  machine, and it may not be used until the owner purchases a permit
  for the machine by paying a $100 permit fee and a $5 release fee per
         (e)  If a county compliance officer is not allowed entrance
  to a game room during business hours, a civil penalty not to exceed
  $10,000 for each date of denial will be assessed on the owner or
  operator of the game room.
         (f)  A county may assess a civil penalty under Section
  234.137 on the owner or operator of a game room for each machine:
               (1)  that is not registered with a valid current year
  video tax stamp decal prominently displayed on the machine; and
               (2)  used for illegal gambling.
         (g)  If a law enforcement agency determines through
  investigation that a game room is operating in violation of Chapter
  47, Penal Code, every amusement redemption machine or gambling
  device in the game room is considered in violation. A civil penalty
  not to exceed $10,000 per machine or device may be assessed on the
  owner or operator of the game room.
         (h)  It is not a defense to prosecution under this section
  that the owner is not doing business in the owner's name, is not
  leasing property in the owner's name, or only has an ownership
  interest in the business.
         Sec. 234.1365.  GROUNDS FOR DENIAL, REVOCATION, OR
  SUSPENSION OF PERMIT. (a) Any violation of this subchapter or
  regulations adopted under this subchapter or failure to meet all
  requirements of this subchapter and regulations adopted under this
  subchapter is grounds for denial, revocation, or suspension of a
  permit to operate a game room. If a game room's permit has been
  revoked, denied, or suspended, the game room may not be operated
  during the pendency of any appeal from the revocation, denial, or
         (b)  The sheriff shall deny a game room permit on a finding by
  the sheriff that the applicant:
               (1)  has been previously convicted of any of the
  following offenses:
                     (A)  gambling, gambling promotion, keeping a
  gambling place, communicating gambling information, possession of
  gambling devices or equipment, or possession of gambling
  paraphernalia under Chapter 47, Penal Code;
                     (B)  forgery, credit card abuse, or commercial
  bribery under Chapter 32, Penal Code;
                     (C)  any criminal offense under Chapter 34, Penal
                     (D)  criminal attempt, conspiracy, or
  solicitation to commit any of the offenses listed in Paragraphs
  (A)-(C) or any other offense under the laws of another state or of
  the United States that, if committed in this state, would have been
  punishable as one or more of the offenses; or
                     (E)  a criminal offense under Subchapter B,
  Chapter 352, if:
                           (i)  less than two years have elapsed since
  the later of the date of conviction or the date of release from
  confinement imposed for the conviction of a misdemeanor offense; or
                           (ii)  less than five years have elapsed
  since the later of the date of conviction or the date of release
  from confinement for the conviction of a felony offense;
               (2)  makes a misleading statement in the application
  for the game room permit;
               (3)  is younger than 18 years of age;
               (4)  has had a game room permit revoked within the
  180-day period immediately preceding the date the application was
               (5)  is delinquent in the payment to the county of
  taxes, fees, fines, or penalties assessed or imposed regarding the
  operation of a game room;
               (6)  failed to pay the application or renewal fee
  required by this subchapter; or
               (7)  has not had the required fire and life safety
  inspection by a fire safety official within 60 days immediately
  preceding the date the application was filed.
         (c)  The sheriff may initiate a proceeding to revoke or
  suspend a game room permit if:
               (1)  any person commits on the premises of the game room
  an offense listed in Subsection (b)(1);
               (2)  the applicant provides false, fraudulent, or
  untruthful information on the original or renewal application;
               (3)  the game room permit should not have been issued
  under the requirements of this subchapter or regulations adopted
  under this subchapter;
               (4)  the owner or operator of the game room fails to
  comply with corrections ordered by a fire safety official with
  authority to conduct fire and life safety inspections in the county
  in which the game room is located; or 
               (5)  the owner is convicted of an offense listed in
  Subsection (b)(1).
         (d)  The sheriff may not issue a game room permit or
  temporary game room permit until final disposition of any case
  involving an offense listed in Subsection (b)(1) that is pending or
  arises during the application process.
         Sec. 234.1366.  REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF PERMIT. (a) If
  an event providing a basis for revocation or suspension of a game
  room permit under Section 234.1365 occurs, the sheriff shall send
  to the game room permit holder or the holder's designated agent a
  written notice of revocation or suspension. The notice must set out
  the reasons for the action. The revocation or suspension is final on
  the fifth day after the date notice is issued. 
         (b)  The game room permit holder or the holder's designated
  agent may appear before a hearing examiner appointed by the
  commissioners court of the county in which the game room is located
  on written request submitted to the sheriff not less than the 10th
  business day after the date the notice is delivered.
         (c)  The hearing examiner may not have participated in any
  investigation of the alleged grounds for the revocation or
  suspension. The hearing must be held not later than the 14th
  business day after the date the request for hearing is submitted.
         (d)  The game room permit holder and the sheriff are entitled
  to present evidence, cross-examine witnesses, and be represented by
  legal counsel. The rules of evidence for a civil, nonjury trial
  apply to the hearing.
         (e)  If the facts presented at the hearing support a finding
  that grounds exist for revoking or suspending a game room permit,
  the hearing examiner may request that the parties present relevant
  evidence to show whether suspension or revocation of the game room
  permit is more appropriate. Reasonable conditions may be attached
  to a game room permit by the hearing examiner based on the evidence
  presented at the hearing.
         (f)  If the hearing examiner determines that a game room
  permit should be revoked, the hearing examiner shall issue a
  written order revoking the game room permit that is effective
         (g)  If the hearing examiner determines based on the nature
  of the violations that a suspension instead of a revocation is
  appropriate, operation of the game room permit may be suspended for
  a period not to exceed six months. The hearing examiner shall issue
  a written order suspending the game room permit and attaching any
  applicable conditions that is effective on the date the owner
  receives notice.
         (h)  On a finding that Section 234.1365(c)(3), (4), or (5)
  has been violated, the hearing examiner shall revoke the game room
         (i)  Revocation takes effect immediately on notice by the
  sheriff, subject to reinstatement following an appeal, if:
               (1)  immediate action is required to protect the public
  from injury or imminent danger; or
               (2)  a game room permit was issued based on a
  misrepresentation in the application, and the game room permit
  would not have been issued otherwise.
         Sec. 234.1367.  HEARING. (a) An applicant may file a written
  request for a hearing with the sheriff's office's game room permit
  administrator not later than the 20th day after the date of the
  denial, revocation, or suspension. The applicant waives the right
  to a hearing if the request is not timely received by the
         (b)  The applicant may reapply for a game room permit if the
  applicant makes the changes necessary for the proposed game room to
  be in compliance with this subchapter and regulations adopted under
  this subchapter.
         (c)  The decision of the hearing examiner is final. The
  losing party may appeal the decision by filing a petition in a
  district court in the county not later than the 30th day after the
  date of the decision. Judicial review is under the substantial
  evidence rule, and the judgment of the district court may be
  appealed, as in other civil cases.
         SECTION 7.  Section 234.132, Local Government Code, as added
  by Chapter 1284 (H.B. 2123), Acts of the 83rd Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2013, is repealed.
         SECTION 8.  Subchapter E, Chapter 234, Local Government
  Code, as added by Chapter 1377 (H.B. 1127), Acts of the 83rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2013, is repealed.
         SECTION 9.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2015.