relating to the requirements for and confidentiality of state |
agency continuity of operations plans. |
SECTION 1. Sections 412.011(f) and (g), Labor Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(f) The office shall work with each state agency to develop |
an agency-level [business] continuity of operations plan under |
Section 412.054. |
(g) The office shall make available to each agency subject |
to Section 412.054 guidelines and models for each element listed in |
Section 412.054. The office shall assist the agency as necessary |
to ensure that: |
(1) agency staff understands each element of the |
[business] continuity of operations plan developed under Section |
412.054; and |
(2) each agency provides training and conducts testing |
and exercises that prepare the agency for implementing [practices
implementation of] the plan. |
SECTION 2. Section 412.0128, Labor Code, is amended to read |
as follows: |
Information in or derived from a workers' compensation claim file |
regarding an employee, and information in or derived from a risk |
management review related to facility security or continuity of |
operations [of the Texas military forces], is confidential and is |
exempt from disclosure under Chapter 552, Government Code, and may |
not be disclosed by the office except as provided by Subsection (b), |
other provisions of this subchapter, or other law. Classified or |
sensitive information [of the Texas military forces] specifically |
preempted from disclosure by federal law retains the |
confidentiality protection provided by this section for all |
purposes, including disclosure to the office. |
(b) Forms, standards, and other instructional, |
informational, or planning materials adopted by the office to |
provide guidance or assistance to a state agency in developing a |
continuity of operations plan under Section 412.054 are public |
information subject to disclosure under Chapter 552, Government |
Code. |
SECTION 3. Section 412.032, Labor Code, is amended to read |
as follows: |
Sec. 412.032. BOARD'S REPORT TO LEGISLATURE. (a) Based on |
the recommendations of the director, the board shall report to each |
legislature relating to: |
(1) methods to reduce the exposure of state agencies |
to the risks of property and liability losses, including workers' |
compensation losses; |
(2) the operation, financing, and management of those |
risks; |
(3) the handling of claims brought against the state; |
(4) return-to-work outcomes under Section 412.0126 |
for each state agency; and |
(5) the [business] continuity of operations plan |
developed by state agencies under Section 412.054. |
(b) The report must include: |
(1) the frequency, severity, and aggregate amount of |
open and closed claims in the preceding biennium by category of |
risk, including final judgments; |
(2) the identification of each state agency that has |
not complied with the risk management guidelines and reporting |
requirements of this chapter; |
(3) recommendations for the coordination and |
administration of a comprehensive risk management program to serve |
all state agencies, including recommendations for any necessary |
statutory changes; |
(4) a report of outcomes by state agency of lost time |
due to employee injury and return-to-work programs based on the |
information collected and analyzed by the office in Section |
412.0126; and |
(5) an evaluation of [business] continuity of |
operations plans developed by state agencies under Section 412.054 |
for completeness and viability. |
SECTION 4. Section 412.054, Labor Code, is amended to read |
as follows: |
PLAN. (a) Each state agency shall work with the office to develop |
an agency-level [business] continuity of operations plan that |
outlines procedures to keep the agency operational in case of |
disruptions to production, finance, administration, or other |
essential operations. The plan must include detailed information |
regarding resumption of essential services after a catastrophe, |
including: |
(1) coordination with public authorities; |
(2) management of media; |
(3) customer service delivery; |
(4) assessing immediate financial and operational |
needs; and |
(5) other services as determined by the office. |
(b) A [business] continuity of operations plan that meets |
[is considered to meet] the requirements of this section must be |
submitted by each state [if the agency forwards the plan to the
office for review and the] agency that is: |
(1) involved in the delivery of emergency services as |
a member of the governor's Emergency Management Council; [or] |
(2) part of the State Data Center program; or |
(3) subject to this chapter or Chapter 501. |
(c) Except as otherwise provided by this section, the |
following information is confidential and is exempt from disclosure |
under Chapter 552, Government Code: |
(1) a continuity of operations plan developed under |
this section; and |
(2) any records written, produced, collected, |
assembled, or maintained as part of the development or review of a |
continuity of operations plan under this section. |
(d) Forms, standards, and other instructional, |
informational, or planning materials adopted by the office to |
provide guidance or assistance to a state agency in developing a |
continuity of operations plan under this section are public |
information subject to disclosure under Chapter 552, Government |
Code. |
(e) A state agency may disclose or make available |
information that is confidential under this section to another |
state agency, a governmental body, or a federal agency. |
(f) Disclosing information to another state agency, a |
governmental body, or a federal agency under this section does not |
waive or affect the confidentiality of that information. |
SECTION 5. Subchapter C, Chapter 552, Government Code, is |
amended by adding Section 552.156 to read as follows: |
OPERATIONS PLAN. (a) Except as otherwise provided by this section, |
the following information is excepted from disclosure under this |
chapter: |
(1) a continuity of operations plan developed under |
Section 412.054, Labor Code; and |
(2) all records written, produced, collected, |
assembled, or maintained as part of the development or review of a |
continuity of operations plan developed under Section 412.054, |
Labor Code. |
(b) Forms, standards, and other instructional, |
informational, or planning materials adopted by the office to |
provide guidance or assistance to a state agency in developing a |
continuity of operations plan under Section 412.054, Labor Code, |
are public information subject to disclosure under this chapter. |
(c) A governmental body may disclose or make available |
information that is confidential under this section to another |
governmental body or a federal agency. |
(d) Disclosing information to another governmental body or |
a federal agency under this section does not waive or affect the |
confidentiality of that information. |
SECTION 6. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2015. |
* * * * * |